Klaine in the rain (season 6 fanfic)

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"Blaine and Karofsky moved in together." Brittany said.

Kurt stopped.

"What? How, how do you know?" Kurt asked turning around.

"They asked me to help decorate their new apartment." Kurt stopped breathing for a moment.

"And what did you say?" Kurt thought that Brittany was his friend.

"I gave them some ideas but I don't think they liked them." Brittany said sadly.

"Oh?" So she helped them.

"Yeah. Kurt? Can I give you some advice?" Brittany asked after a few minutes of silence.

What advice could Brittany give him?

"Um, sure I guess." Kurt said.

"Move on."

"What?" What was Brittany talking about?

"From Blaine. From what I saw Karofsky is a good guy now and Blaine seemed really happy when I saw him. I want you to be happy too. So I think the best thing you could do is to move on and date someone else." Brittany said looking serious.

Kurt had never seen Brittany look this serious before. Did she ever change.

"Um, Brittany you know it's not that easy. I mean Blaine and I were engaged. We were going to get married and spend the rest of our lives together. How can I move on from that? I mean I know that Blaine had no trouble moving on but then again I was the one who had called it off." Kurt said, he regretted that ever since it happened.

Maybe he had given up on them too quick, but it had only been seven months. How did Blaine move on that quick? Kurt himself was still crazy over Blaine.

"Well I just want the both of you to be happy and if that's not with each other then you need to let him go and find someone else."

"I guess, I'll think about it."

For the whole week it was all Kurt could think about. Could he let Blaine go and move on? Sure Blaine had but Kurt had always thought that no matter who they were with or what happened to them they would always find their way back to each other somehow. They were soulmates after all and soulmates always ended up together.

So that Friday Kurt decided to drive to Dalton to see Blaine and to maybe finally let him go, of course Kurt didn't plan on it to rain that day.

"Okay everyone that was a great practice, I'll see you all Monday after school." Blaine said as everyone who was in the Warblers left the room.

Kurt smiled as he saw the students walk out of the room. He sighed, he remembered when it had been him and Blaine in that room. Sure he hated the uniform but Dalton wasn't all bad for him, it was where he had met the love of his life and where Blaine had proposed to him.

'No Kurt. Don't think about it because you'll only cry again.' Kurt thought to himself.

Blaine turned around and saw Kurt in the doorway, what was he doing here?

"Uh, Kurt! Don't take this the wrong way, but what are you doing here?" Blaine asked.

He was happy to see Kurt, despite what had happened he did still love him. Even though he threw himself into his relationship with Karofsky and had to kept telling himself that he was over Kurt and was now happy with Karofsky. He figured if he told himself enough times it might turn out to be true after a while.

"Oh, I just wanted to see how you were doing." Kurt said walking into the room. "So how are the Warblers?"

"Good, was that the only reason or was there something you wanted to say?"

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