Glee reaction

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"Oh, do you guys remember the week when Sue became a member of the Glee club?" Rachel exclaims excitedly.

She has officially delved into the nostalgia section of the conversation and Sam and Kurt humour her. She has just lost her childhood home, after all.

"Wasn't that also the week she separated all of us into two groups and didn't let us speak to one another?"

Kurt asks with a frown.
Rachel waves him off. "Oh, no, no, I was talking about the other one, where she actually sang with us... and Sam turned all the boys into Bieber fans?" she prompts, turning to Sam with a grin.

Sam laughs and throws his head back a little.

"The Justin Bieber Experience was epic," he says with a dreamy sigh that Kurt is not quite show is all that self-ironic.
"I wouldn't know,"

Kurt interrupts when Rachel rambles on and on about that week, "I wasn't at McKinley at the time, remember? I was at Dalton with-"

Rachel looks at him pointedly from across the table.

Okay, maybe he shouldn't be talking that much about him in front of his date.

Walter has been looking confused ever since they started talking about Glee club, his head tilted in question whenever they launch into a new story about their crazy high school life.

And even though he hasn't said anything about Kurt mentioning Blaine in at least every other sentence, he must know that something is up.

Hell, Sam knows something is up, and that guy can be infuriatingly oblivious

"Anyway, I wasn't present that week," Kurt finishes awkwardly.

"Oh, right," Sam says with a smirk Kurt knows can't be good, "you were feeding your worm to a Warbler."
Even though it's a dumb joke, Kurt blushes furiously.

Thankfully, Rachel starts hitting Sam on his arm and screeches, "Sam, no! Don't mention that disaster of a show ever again!"

To everyone's surprise, Walter chimes in and manages to steer the conversation back to musical flops.

Nobody really notices that Kurt isn't as talkative as he'd be under usual circumstances but he really couldn't care less.

He finds himself caring more about the look on Blaine's face when they left the choir room. The look on his face when he pulled back on that night of Rachel's party.

And the slide of his lips against Kurt's mouth in that off-centered kiss that has kept Kurt awake at night ever since it happened. But today. Something had shifted when Blaine walked into the choir room.

It's a mess. He should have ended this thing with Walter - whatever it is, because it's not really anything if you ask Kurt - by now. He was almost going to do it, the night after the party.

But when he had caught a glimpse of the Facebook pictures Dave tagged Blaine in at the football game, he had decided not to go through with it.

He is just having fun with Walter, after all. They have not really discussed their relationship in any way and Kurt is not really interested in doing so, either.

Not when he spends most of the day plotting how to get Blaine back. Just... that kiss. One would think he got what he wanted. But it's just his luck that it left him more unsatisfied than ever.

If he only could -
"Kurt?" Walter asks, abruptly ending Kurt's train of thought.

Kurt looks up expectantly. Oh. They're all already putting on their jackets. How long has he been staring into nothingness? He puts on his jacket as well and follows them outside.

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