How popstar Blaine met Kurt Hummel

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What's up with that boy?

"No! Don't touch me, I can do it on my own!"

Blaine pushed the costume makers off him. They always had to do the final check, and when they did, they always touched him. What even? He could check his costume in the mirror! He bet they were just weird, dirty fans who saw him as a god and somehow became costume designers and ended up with him.

"Mr. Anderson, the crowd is waiting for you!"

His manager said, who had suddenly appeared in his dressing room.

"Yeah yeah yeah, tell em to wait a minute. I'll be there."

The manager shook his head and walked away. Blaine looked angry at his costume designers, who still were in his dressing room, creepily staring at him.

"Go away, guys! Can't I have my last spare minute alone in my dressing room? Gosh..."

The costume designers slowly left the room. Blaine took another look in the mirror. He looked great today. Oh wait, he always did. Costume or not. He suddenly heard the crowd yelling

"Anderson! Anderson! Anderson! Anderson! Anderson!"

He knew it was time. He took a deep breath and made his way to the stage. The audience screamed as he appeared. He took a bow and started talking.

"Hello, my lovely fans! Are you ready for the 'Anderson To The Top - Tour'? Cuz you guys know it's starting today, right?"

The crowd yelled again, but this time he spotted one person who didn't. He was just playing a game on his phone. Just ignore him, Anderson. He's not worth it.

"And what do you guys think of my new costume? Awesome, right?"

Blaine turned round to show every side of it, and the audience screamed again, well, except that one boy. He didn't even look up. How rude.

"Yeah, that's what I thought! I hope you guys are ready, cuz I'm about to start!"

The crowd screamed again.

"This song is called 'Superstar.' Sing with me whenever you know the lyrics!"

Blaine started to sing and the audience, except that one boy, sang along. This was going to be an interesting concert.


The concert was almost over. The boy still hadn't looked up...

"Before I go... Did you like the show?"

The crowd said yes and woohooed, and this time that one boy looked up and yelled

"Boohoo! You're such a drag queen!"

Then he looked next to him.

"I wish I'd never gone with you, Tina."

She was apparently his friend. Tina gave him a small push.

"Shut up."

Blaine heard her say. Before he knew what he was doing, he was standing on the edge of the stage.

"You, Mr. Red Scarf, what did you just say?"

He looked at Blaine and laughed.

"That this show was shit and I can't wait to get home."

Tina pushed him again.

"Do you know where you're talking to?"

She said and I took a bow in my mind. She was absolutely right. He shouldn't talk to him like that.

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