Kissing contest

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"Kissing contest?" Thad asked, shoving another cookie in his mouth. "What the heck for?"

"Language, Thad." Wes glared at the other Warbler. "We're going to do sort of a fund-raising thing. Each kiss we get, we donate a dollar. Whoever kisses the most people wins a dinner-for-two at Breadstix. We can kiss either girls or guys from this school, McKinley or Crawford."

"Dude, that's complicated." Thad grumbled, finishing off the cookies.

"Yeah, I know. Now, everybody, take a kiss-counting sheet and a pen and start kissing!"

The Warblers pushed into each other as they reached to be the first to start kissing. Kurt and Blaine sighed as they waited for the stampede of Warblers to leave the room.

"So much for first kiss." Kurt mumbled, taking two sheets and handing Blaine one.

"Hey, a first kiss only counts if both people love each other, doesn't it? Don't think about it too much." Blaine assured him, giving him a big grin.

"I'll never get my first kiss, then." Kurt muttered under his breath. "You don't love me."


"Oh, uh, nothing. Let's get started." Kurt twirled his pen as they walked out of the Warbler's meeting room in search for their first victim.

"Wow, Kurt." Trent said breathlessly as Kurt marked another tally on his sheet. "You're an awesome kisser."

"Thanks." Kurt smirked as he caught Blaine in the corner of his eye. The older boy shook his head before jogging towards him.

"How many have you gotten?" Blaine peeked over Kurt's shoulder, attempting to read the number of tallies.

"Just forty this morning." Kurt murmured. "You?"

"F-Forty? I barely got twenty!" Blaine stuttered, making a face. "How did you get so many?"

"They just keep coming back for seconds. Oh. Hold on." Kurt whipped around on his heels to face Jeff, who was coming back for the third time that morning.

"Definitely worth losing the dinner vouchers on." Jeff wiped his lips and grinned as he waved good-bye to Kurt who was busy drawing another line on his sheet.

"Is that even legal?" Blaine questioned, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Yeah, I mean, more kisses means more money, right?" Kurt smiled.

"Yeah, but..." Blaine shook his head and they turned a corner. "What're you doing this afternoon? Wes cancelled Warbler's practice."

"He did? Woah, he must really be into this whole charity thing." Kurt flipped open his mobile phone and punched a few buttons before flipping it shut again. "Settled. We're going to McKinley High's Glee Club practice after lessons to have a little kiss-a-thon."

"Seriously?" Blaine asked as they entered a classroom and started preparing for their French class.


"Kurt!" Rachel rushed forward to hug her friend and he stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Um, hi, Rachel." Kurt smoothed out his uniform. "Ready to help me with my fund-raising?"

"Sure!" Rachel grinned and kissed Kurt. He responded, placing his arms around her waist as she sighed into the kiss.

"Whoa... So much better than Finn." she slurred dreamily, her arms linked around his neck.

"Hey! I heard that!" a hurt quarterback shouted.

"My turn!" Tina bounced forward and Kurt bent down, pecking her lips. He pulled away, smiling innocently at Tina.

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