Facing The Self

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~Your POV~ (hehehe the title of this chapter reminded me of Linkin Park [specifically this song] so here is a little look into my emo and very autistic brain also cat assistant is helping)

When we got up to leave, the stars drifting in the sky were stunning. I caught a falling star as we went on our way back to the castle. 

"Believe that you can be who you want," it whispered to no one but me, and then I let it go. 

It hopped back up into the sky, and Howl and I walked through the door to the castle. 

Howl looked over at me, never letting go of my hand as we went to get ready for bed. "you know, the little star you were talking to was right. You can do anything, if you just believe that you can. I know it can be hard to believe sometimes, so I'll help you, okay?"

I nodded, letting him take my shoulders and hold me in front of the mirror. 

He kissed every part of my face, whispering to me how beautiful I was in between each kiss. I blushed feverishly, and I began to see myself in a new light. If Howl could see me as beautiful, then maybe I could too. 

I smiled as he ran his fingers through my hair, kissing down my neck and shoulders.

"Beautiful." He kissed me, "beautiful," again, "so very, very beautiful." he said, planting one more kiss on my collarbone.

"Do you really believe I'm beautiful?" I asked him softly.

"With my whole heart, my love. And you should too," he smiled gently, "Now, let's get ready for bed." He turned around and began to unbutton his shirt. 

I continued to smile to myself as I combed through my hair and put on my nightclothes. Maybe I really could see my own beauty. I thought about the day's events, and it brought me comfort to know that no matter what, Howl saw me as beautiful, and he was going to help me see my own beauty. 

All because it was important to me. Important to him. Important to us. We would work through our issues together, and that was all that mattered. As long as we were together, and as long as we were happy. 

(sorry about the short chapter, school has given me insane writers block recently, and I've had no energy to write. Also this story has no real plotline its just a healing fic and an excuse for me to write some domestic fluff yay)

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