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So, I got lazy and decided to not finish writing Cedric and Draco's talk, so let's just pretend it happened and then they proceeded to watch the movie with everyone else. ON TO THE CHAPTER!


*The movie just finished. Cedric is talking with the Golden Trio and Draco, the other Weasley kids and Sirius are doing random crazy shit while Lupin is trying to calm them down, Luna is sketching in the corner, Charlie is once again passed out on the couch, and Remus is furiously searching for good fanart*

Golden Trio + Cedric: *laughing at a Quidditch joke Draco made*



Luna: I could make some for you if you'd like.

Remus: Oh, that would be amazing, thank you Luna. *turns away* CEDRICCCCCCC!

Cedric: What?

Remus: I need to take you back, unfortunately...

Golden Trio: Nooooo!

Remus: Yessssss. But don't worry, Ced, we'll have some interesting ships for you later...

Cedric: Okayyy... *hugs the trio and Draco, then grabs Remus' hand and teleports away with him*

*a few minutes later*

Remus: Alrighttttt I'm back! Wait... is Charlie still asleep?

Luna: Yep. He's one deep sleeper.

Remus: Oh my God... someone pass me my clarinet.

Ginny: *passes the clarinet*

Remus: *walks up to Charlie* Everyone cover your ears! *squeaks the clarinet right in Charlie's ear*


Remus: We're about to react to Wolf- I mean the next ship, and I would like you to be awake.

Charlie: Ugh, fine.

Remus: So, this is also a ship that has already happened in your universe. This, my dear friends, is the amazing ship known as Wolfstar, a.k.a. Sirius and the other Remus.

Golden Trio: *cheering loudly for Wolfstar because they have good taste*

Charlie: Can y'all quiet down? Remus still needs to recover from the Krakatoa-loud cheering from earlier.

Hermione: Sorry...

Remus: It's alright, but can we keep it moving? I have a gazillion things to do after this.

Lupin: Need I say anything? This is by far the best ship.

Sirius: *turns into his dog form and makes happy dog noises*

Remus: Well, you're not wrong! Wolfstar came in at #2 on the Top 100 list for the 2023 AO3 Ship Stats, as well as being #8 in the All Time Top 100 list. 

Charlie: I was just looking at that! The Marauders fandom really swept the rankings this year. (I'm proud of you guys, good job!)

Harry: This... is the new definition of beautiful.

Draco: Rude.

Harry: I'm not sorry.

Draco: But in all seriousness, this is my new OTP.

Ron: Hell yeah! Whoever doesn't ship this can go burn in hell!

Hermione: Ronald, everyone has their own opinion, please respect that. I think Wolfstar is one of the best ships ever created- not THE best because Hedric and Drarry exist- but if someone doesn't like it, I won't attack them or anything. I'll just silently judge them.

Charlie: As you should, 'Mione, as you should.

Luna: *is furiously flipping through Remus' giant collection of fanart* Per. Fec. Tion. I love this so muchhhh!

Ginny: *lies her head on Luna's shoulder* Agreed.

Gred and Forge: We approve.

Charlie: So... 10/10 from everybody?

Everyone: YASSSS!

Sirius: *more happy dog sounds*

Remus: Alright guys, I'll let you have some chill time while Charlie and I get things ready for the next few ships, which I think some of y'all will love. *laughs evilly*


(This was so bad I'm so sorry)

Get ready for some dramaaaaa!!! The next 3 chapters are going to be quite the spectacle! There will be a longer wait between chapters, though, since I have a lot of school stuff to do. I haven't even been back for a month and I'm already falling behind. I also have some personal things going on, plus theatre season is kicking off (I'm already in rehearsals for my first show of the year), so I won't have a lot of time to write. 

Also, my laptop just LOVES to keep crashing whenever I use Wattpad (it's already crashed three times and I've barely been on for half an hour), so I need to get that fixed as well...

Well, that's all for now, see you guys later!

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