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Drarry fans, I have some good fucking news: they won't break up! The ship won't be a very prominent thing, but it'll be there and they'll have their cute moments.

Also, I want to clarify for anyone that didn't read the intro: There are two characters in this story named Remus. The OC named Remus is referred to by that name, and Remus Lupin is referred to by his last name.

All that being said, let's get on with the chapter!


Remus: Alright everyone, I'm happy to say that I'm no longer sick! So without further ado, let's get today's shitshow on the road! I have a feeling this ship will be a hit with y'all.

Charlie: It's also our first lesbian ship!

Fred: Ooooh I think I might know what this one issss *smirks*

George: Our dear sister is going to love this one, won't you, Ginevra?

Ginny: Shut up! *is blushing furiously*

Remus: Ooooh dramaaaaa!!!

Draco & Sirius: *bursting in out of nowhere* DID SOMEBODY SAY DRAMA?!

Remus: Yes, somebody said drama. Now, do you guys wanna find out the ship or not?

Everyone: YASSSSS!!!

Remus: So, as the twins have already said, one of the people in this ship is Ginny. Does anyone want to guess who the other is?

Harry: Ginny... lesbian ship... *gasps* OH MY GOD IT'S LUNA ISN'T IT?!

Remus and Charlie: *thumbs-up*

Hermione: *loud high-pitched fangirl screeching*

Ginny and Luna: *redder than me when I confessed to my crush*


Ron: You two have my blessing. Now GO HAVE BEAUTIFUL GINGER BABIES!

Ginny: RONALD!

Lupin: Awww this is a cute ship! They would be perfect!

Sirius: I don't know either of them very well, but I agree with Moony and Ron. I think this ship is cute and their babies would be even cuter.

Draco: I agree with Harry, this is my new OTP. But if the Weaselette hurts my best friend then I won't hesitate to throw some hands. (DRACO + LUNA FRIENDSHIP SUPREMACY) 

Charlie: ...alright then. Fred, George, care to weigh in here?

Fred: Well, my dear Charlie, George and I have prepared a little musical number specifically for this moment. Georgie, would you care to start us off?

George: With pleasure. *clears throat* Ginny and Luna sitting in a tree...

Fred: K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

George: First comes love...

Fred: Then comes marriage...

Twins: Then comes the baby in a baby carriage! *they bow*

Remus x2, Charlie, Sirius, Ron and Harry: WOOOOO *applause*

Remus: So, Ginny... am I right in saying that you have feelings for our dear Luna?

Ginny: *nods, still blushing more than me whenever I see Daveed Diggs*

Charlie: Anddddd does Luna reciprocate?

Luna: ... yes...

Everyone: *happy fangirl/boy screeching*

Our lovely new couple: *hugs*

Remus: Welp, that's all for now folks! I'm sorry for abandoning you for a couple months, but shit got busy. But, I got back just in time for the holidays! I see that the decorations are already up, you all did amazing!

Draco: Well, we had to keep ourselves busy SOMEHOW.

Remus: *eye roll* Now, go to bed y'all, it's nearly midnight.


Hi everybody! Sorry for not updating for a long time, I've been going through some shit. But, my winter break started a couple days ago, so you'll get to see more of me for a couple weeks. 

Also, THANK YOU ALL for 2.1k reads! I never thought I would get this far, but here we are.

Please feel free to leave suggestions for ships in the comments, I am running out of ideas.

Happy holidays!

Harry Potter Characters React to Ships (on indefinite hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now