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This chapter is dedicated to DrarryShipper_15BadGirlWriter4Life, and everyone else who has taken time out of their precious days to read, vote, and comment. Thank you all <3


Remus: Welcome back everyone, and HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEAR!!!! (I'm totally not nearly 3 months late...)

Everyone: WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Remus: Today, we'll be joined by two very special guests! The first one is my best friend Jack...

Jack: *waves*

Remus: ...who'll be taking over for Charlie while he's with his family. And the other guest is our favourite Slytherin lesbian, Pansy Parkinson!

Pansy: Hold the fuck up, who said that was true?

Jack: Is it not?

Pansy: *softly* No...

Hermione: *Gay Panic™*

Remus: Alright then, let's move on. Just like last time, we're reacting to a lesbian ship. 

Pansmione: *Gay Panic™ x10000*

Drarry: *smirking bc they know what the fuck is up*

Remus: You wanna do the honours?

Jack: Hell yeah! *steals the script* the next ship is... hang on, let's do this a little bit differently...

Remus: ...Oh Gods... oh no...

Jack: We're gonna do this cheerleader style!

Remus: *retreats into the corner to contemplate his life choices*

Jack: Gimme a P!

Everyone: P!

Jack: Gimme an A!

Everyone: A!

Jack: Gimme an N!

Everyone: N!

Jack: Gimme an S!

Everyone: S!

Jack: Gimme an M!

Everyone: M!

Jack: Gimme an I!

Everyone: I!

Jack: Gimme an O!

Everyone: O!

Jack: Gimme an N!

Everyone: N!

Jack: Gimme an E!

Everyone: E!

Jack: What's that spell?

Drarry + Ginny and Sirius: PANSMIONE!

Everyone else: WOOP WOOP!

Jack: That's the spirit!

Remus: Alright then, I'll take it from here. We already know Drarry, Weaselette and Starboy are on board, and based on Pansy and Hermione are reacting, they are too. How about the rest of y'all?

Ron: Now, had Drarry not happened, I would be way less approving of this ship. But since Harry just HAD to screw Malfoy, I've accepted that shit like this was bound to happen and I've learned to tolerate these people.

Remus: Well you definitely tolerate Blaise, that's for sure...

Ron: Shut up...

Drarry: OOooooOOOOooooo

Lupin: While it's certainly an unlikely pair, it could work out...

Luna: *rises from Ginny's lap* so... more lesbians?

Jack: More lesbians.

Luna: Cool. 

Ginny: Y'all wanna start a lesbian club?


Hermione: ...Sure...

George: I think it's cute, but first...

Fred: Shovel talk?

George: *nods*

Pansy: What do you mean "shovel talk"?... oh. Shit...

Fred: Now, Pansy, I swear to Merlin, if you dare hurt our little bookworm...

George: We will chop you into tiny pieces and throw you into the pits of hell.

Da twins: Understood?

Pansy: Understood. *is trying to hide the fact that she's terrified*

Remus: Is that a Kronos reference?

George: Yes, my dear fellow mythology enjoyer.

Remus: Very good. Now, let's just say this is an 8/10, give these two gay beans some time to themselves and watch the Percy Jackson show for the millionth time.

*everyone runs for the TV room, leaving Pansmione behind in the reaction room*

*Three episodes later*

*Remus returns to find the two aggressively making out* (top Pansy ofc)

*Remus leaves again so he doesn't miss the start of episode 4*


Y'all I got so lazy at the end I'M SO SORRYYYYY

I just really wanted to get something out for you amazing people. Thank you all for being so patient with me, I know updates have been far and few lately. However, I don't think it's going to get better for a while.

Near the end of December, I started reading a little series called Percy Jackson and the Olympians after I watched the first 2 episodes of the TV show, and due to its incredibleness, I kind of... stopped caring about HP and the fandom. If you have a problem with that, go take it up with Uncle Rick, this is all his fault.

In addition, I'd been feeling uninspired for a while, so really, this was a long time coming. So, I've decided that this book will be on hiatus until inspiration hits me again. It's been a great ride everyone.

I love you all <3

- marblerobin

Update 08/04/2024: Just some minor edits (kids, always remember to proofread)

Harry Potter Characters React to Ships (on indefinite hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now