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Remus: So next up we have Romione! I like it more than Hinny, but not by much, since I ship them with other people. But it is in the canon, so I have to settle.

Hermione: If the both of us weren't gay, I could definitely see this happening...

Ron: Yeah, I agree.

Fred: Ron with Hermione is canon? What was the author on when she wrote it?

George: I know right? I read the books in between reactions and I thought for sure she was going to end up with... I won't say, since we'll probably react to that ship later. I want to keep it a surprise for everyone else. 

Charlie: I can confirm that we will, right after the canon ships are done. Now, Harry, you're the best friend of these two, how do you feel about this?

Harry: Well, if they weren't gay, I would totally support them dating, as long as they wouldn't be snogging around me 24/7.

Ron: Says the one who's always-

Remus: Oh, save it for the appropriate chapter Ronald.

Draco: A blood traitor and a Mudblood? A perfect pair if you ask me.

Harry: Oh shush Draco, you're just mad that this is a straight ship.

Ginny: Well Mum would approve, that's for sure...

Lupin: Oh shit, are your parents-

Ron: Our Dad is completely supportive, but Mum... not so much...

Sirius: Oh my god, I'm so sorry *pulls Weasley kids into hug*

Remus: Alright, ratings out of ten?

Everyone because I'm lazy: 4/10

Remus: Get ready y'all, we'll be having two very special guests coming in next!

Charlie: Get some tissues, you might be needing them.

Everyone: *very concerned*


I think y'all know what I mean by "two very special guests"...

Also, can someone go get the Flex Tape? The fourth wall is in shambles.

Update: just fixed a couple of typos and grammatical errors.

Harry Potter Characters React to Ships (on indefinite hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now