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So I just realized that I kinda forgot about Luna these last couple chapters, but don't worry, she's back now. On with the chapter!


*Remus teleports back with Cho and Cedric to find the Weasleys and Harry setting off fireworks, Hermione and Lupin screaming at them to stop, Draco and Sirius casually eating popcorn, Luna reading in the corner, seemingly unfazed, and Charlie, on the couch, somehow sleeping through this whole thing*


Charlie: Ahhhh what?

Remus: Didn't you say I could trust you to be alone with them?

Charlie: Yes...

Remus: *sigh* I'd have sent you to fetch the guests instead, but we both know what happened last time you did that...

Charlie: *shudders* Alright alright, I promise this won't happen again.

Remus: Oh it better not- RONALD WEASLEY PUT THAT DOWN!

Ron: *puts the thing down*

Remus: Okay, now that I have your attention, we have some new guests. Say hi, you two!

Cho and Cedric: Hey!

Cedric: *finds Harry and immediately runs to hug him* I'm so sorry, Harry...

Harry: Don't be. *reaches up to wipe Cedric's tears*

Draco: *becomes very jealous boi*

Charlie: I believe y'all know what the ship is just based on the guests, so... opinions?

Cedric and Cho at ze same time: I'm gay... (pretty much everyone is some form of gay in this and no one can stop me)

Harry: I mean... I could see this happening... it would be very unlikely though.

Everyone else because it's 11 pm and I just wanna get this finished: It's kinda just there, I don't have much to say about it.

Charlie: Alright we'll just skip the number ratings because Remus looks like he's about to pass out. Let's just say y'all gave it a 3/10.

Lupin: I'm perfectly awake what are you on about?

Charlie: Not you, the other one.

Remus: *intense yawning* I'll take Cedric back. Cho, we have one more canon ship that we need you for so you'll be staying. Can you make sure Charlie doesn't let anyone do any stupid shit while I'm gone?

Cho: Yeah, no problem.

Remus: Alright then. Cedric, let's go. *grabs his hand and disappears*


That was so bad I'm so sorry. Chedric is one of those ships that is kinda just there, and since it was so short-lived and barely covered, I couldn't write much on it. I can assure you that the next chapter will have more reactions and not just be banter between characters for the whole thing (as much as I loved writing it, this is a ship reaction fic, not an everyone is on crack and yelling at each other fic). 

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