Now Or Never

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Candice was confused as to why 40 of them had to go to that darn camp.It was because of that dark haired boy wasnt it.She though as the bus stopped moving."We're here"said the lady driving the bus."Girls please be careful when entering this place we dont want anyone getting lost"Mrs Coretta said as they all began running out the bus with godspeed."Hey Candice,thinking about your dark haired night in shining armour"said May trying to tease the girl."No way,i dont need anybody to save me but myself"she said proudly as she began flexing her muscles."I wonder why they even wanted this competition anyway"said Lory as she began playing with her hair."Nobody knows but Mrs Coretta and you know she's  tight lipped"
said May as they began entering the main building.

Meanwhile with  the boys
Ronin was currently in the hall in the main building with the other boys.All the boys where busy talking about how easy this was going to be,but Ronin's heart was beating faster than lighting.He was panicking about what to do,he didn't  want to tell the boys that the girls could somehow beat them.Suddenly they all heared foot steps coming closer and closer to the large hall.It seemed like whatever was coming created magnitude 1 earthquakes every time it took a step.
The boys began becoming afraid and that cocky attitude evaporated in the air.The doors opened revealing the big woman that Ronin recogized being followed by Mrs Coretta  and the group of girls."Dude talk about woman power"Hunter said as  he looked at the intimidating big lady.William was at a loss for words.The girls all began eying them down making them feel inferior.All the confidence they had before was gone but suddenly someone appeared at the balcony.It was Mrs Rose.Their competition sat down as Mrs Rose began speaking."Greetings to you all,not to waste your time,i would like for all of you to head outside"she said with a fake smile.They all headed outside.Ronin was feeling the tension.As they arrived on the camp grounds,Rose stabbed the ground with a red flag."Today's challange will be capture the flag,boys on thr blue tea and girls on red,on my count you shall put on your uniforms and begin"she said as they began rushing too put their uniforms on which included red and blue shirts.

Ronin and the other boys all retreated to go to their flag site as the 2 groups were given maps."So whats the plan,asked Dexter.Suddenly they could here ringing from the speakers"And i also forgot to mention that there are weapons scattered on the grounds"said Mrs Rose as if that wasn't important.The boys were suddenly releaved as they didn't want to hurt the girls that badly.So they all scattered and went looking for weapons,that couldn't be a bad idea could it.Ronin found a dart gun in some bushes and was now walking into female territory.Hunter,Levy and Xavier decide to team up.Dexter,Harry,Jack and William were currently armed with smoke bombs,stink bombs,water guns with a sticky liquid and  the most dangerous  weapon of all AXEL SPARYYY!, they were armed and ready as they bagn watching from the bushes to see if  anybody tries to snatch the flag.2 girls suddenly appeared and reached out for the flag but Jack jumped out of the bushes and began shooting out the sticky liqued fron the water gun.He began screaming like a mad man until he ran out.The girls were now covered with this unknown white sticky substance."Is this what i think it is?"asked of the girls wrinkling her face in disgust."And dont forget to use protection kids"Jack said with a thumbs up looking at nothing."What are you gonna do with us?"A girl with brown hair and freckles asked."Jack began smiling like a psychopath as he got close to the girls."Im gonna violate,penetrate and...."he couldn't finish as he was kicked by Candice and knocked out."Nice try weirdo"Candice said as she began cutting the weird substance with a plastic knife.Dexter still in the bushes threw a stink bomb and the girls so theey couldn't see and he began shooting out the same white substance at Candice but he was too slow as she dodged and run up behind him and tried to kick him unconscious too.Dexter had something up his sleeves that she couldn't  see coming,With the power of his Axel spray,he momentarily paralyzed her by spraying it in her face.He the took her knife kicked her down and shot her with the weird substance.Candice was down for the count and began struggling to get out of the substance."Why you...get me out of this before i tear you apart"she said as she began growling like a puppy with rabies."Ha,i would like to see you try"Dexter began taunting as he raised up his glasses.

On the other side of the camp grounds
"MOMMMMY!"Ronin heared a cry from what seemed to be one of his team mates.He grabbed a pair of binoculars and began looking around.He saw Devonte getting tortured by 5 girls.They  were hitting him with a bunch of stink bombs as he was dangling from a tree branch.Ronin wanted to laugh but needed to help his fellow broher.He dad no useful weapons as they were given to Hunter's group.So he did the new best thing.He threw some rocks at the top of a tree  and the sound seemed to catch the girls's attention.As 2 girls were heading to what caused the commotion he he sprinted like a savage to save Devonte.The girls all noticed him and Ronin unexpectedly stepped on a trap and was now dangling on the branch with Devonte."You idiot,why did you try to save me"Devonte said looking at Ronin."Wow you really are that stupid,can't believe that worked Sam"Said a girl with blue hair."You know thats what i do Crystal"The girl with brown hair and a round face said.Crystal and Sam got closer to the other 3 girls."So what should we do with them"Crystal asked with an evil grin looking at the other girls."We play a game of swinger"a tall girl girl said as she began clicking he knuckles."What a greate idea Reo"Sam said as she began pushing Ronin back and forth as he dangled on the tree top.Ronin was going to be sick as he ate alot of meat in the morning,he really needed so rescuing about now."MOOOOOOOOOOMY!"he yelled hoping help was near.

Meanwhile Hunter,Levy and Xavier were taking heavy fire from the other team.Things werent looking good for them.Levy's arm was fractured and Xavier couldn't walk straight.Hunter didn't want to give up but moral was low and they needed a first aid kit.May and 3 other girls were getting closer to the boys that hid under a large rock for cover."Give up and surrender"She said as she got closer.There was no other choice so Hunter came out of hiding with his hands up.Out of nowhere,3 smoke bombs were thrown into the area.When May looked around the rock but to no avail,the boys had fled the scene.Harry was currently running with the other 3 boys were following behind."Thanks for saving us Harry"Levy said."No prob bro"Harry said as he suddenly had a blue     bandana on his head and looked like some kind of badass military surgent."What happent to you man?"asked Hunter as he thought Harry had no balls."Its been tough these last 24 hours"Harry said with a tough demeanor."But we've been here for 2 ho.."Hunter was interrupted as there was a sudden cloud of smoke in front of them.In a blink of an eye,4 of the boys were captured and down on the floor.
"Dang it"Levy and Hunter said outloud.Somehow Xavier was still calm and collected unlike the other boys.Out of nowhere again,the boys were surrounded  by a wild fire.The smoke was  damaging their air ways as they troed to find a way out.As they saw an exit to the doom,they all suddenly heared female voices calling for help.The paused for a moment,"Damn it, why did this even have to happen"Levy said aggravated."You know what we have to do"Hunter said as all the boys looked at him and nodded.Hunter looked around as he spotted 4 figures in the middle of a fire."What do we do now?"asked Harry.There was no way for them to get them out as it seemed they were stuck in a ring of fire.Hunter knew waht he had to do,he ran towards the fire with god speed and like a door,it opended up for him and for a moment there was an opening.With no time to spare he got the girls out of there with the mercy of God.

Ronin could suddenly smell smoke."Hey guys i think something is burning"he yelled out but the girls ignored him.Seeing that they we'ren't paying him mind he decided to try to wiggle his way out of the trap.Devonte also did the same as he knew that danger was coming.Without warning a fire suddenly appeared on a tree,the girls were now aware of the situation and cut the rope that binded Devonte and Ronin to the tree.They all started heading to the opposite direction to the main camp grounds.

"FIRE!FIRE!"Roger yelled as he walked in on the camp councilors and Mrs Coretta."There's woods"Roger said panting as he seemed like he was about to collapse."Oh dear Roger,lets get you some water"Jenny said as she got out the room helping the big man to balance."We have to do something,call the fire fighters"Mrs Coretta said as she seemed worried.Conner took out his phone and began asking for the fire fighters.Rose wondered what could have caused this.

Rocky was walking with 4 group members when he suddenly got the urge to smoke."Ayo guys,i need to pee real quick you can go without me I'll catch up"he said as they nodded and disappeared from view.He pulled out a blunt and began smoking,before he even saw it coming,a smoke bomb was thrown and he trembled and the blunt did a 360 of his hand and was now on the ground."Oh shit"he said as he ran away from the scene.And a fire started brewing

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