How Far

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Ronin looked around to see that he was in a wooden room with only 1 bed,2 wooden chairs,a refrigerator and a tv over a stand.He was alone in the room and he tried to stand up but he found that he was tied to the bed.He suddenly remembered what had happened later in the day and he felt like he was in grave danger and hoped that these people would use him as a sacrifice.The door started opening and he started freaking out,a lady with white hair who seemed to be in here 40's entered and noticed that Ronin was awake."So your finally awake,can you tell me what your doing on my camp property young man"she said with a serious tone."I just happened to come across this place when I was exploring the forest when a scary muscle lady appeared and I fainted"he said looking very scared of what they would do to him."Why is such a young man as your self doing in the woods alone and where did you come from?"she asked suddenly intrigued by him."All the councilors and boys at my camp had left me to go to a resort and I had gotten bored"he explained to the lady."How perculier,so 
what camp are you from?"she said waiting patiently for his reply."I'm from camp Goldstruck"he said quickly."Huh,so your from their group!"she said seeming to get pissed of from some reason.Ronin was confused and wondered if his camp had any enemies and if so he really was in a dangerous situation."So we better get you home quickly"she said as she untied him and suddenly someone entered the room."So Mrs Coretta,what did you wan......"the girl stopped speaking as she saw that Mrs Coretta had a boy on her bed and why was he tied to the bed,was this some kind of weird fantasy of her the girl thought freaking out but being able to scream out."BOY!".Ronin started to freak out even more as somebody else had found him out,and they had alerted other people."Lory what are you talking abo..."another girl entered and seemed to be also freaked out."BOY"she also yelled and even more girls entered the room.Ronin started to hear muttering from the group of girls in the room."Girls settle down,this young man was put here in my room because he was found snooping around the camp so he was tied here"she said making the girls start talking even more."What is a boy even doing here,you should call the cops and put him where he belongs"a girl with red hair said looking at Ronin.Ronin felt even more afraid as he looked down as he felt terrible."That isn't kind of you Candice,he was about to go anyways"the old lady said as she finished untying him and told him to leave.As Ronin was leaving the camp he felt the glares at his back.

While he was busy running he began tearing up as how this day was terrible and he really missed his parents he ran across a man that weared the camp logo and Professor Conner escorted by a lady."What were you doing outside the Camp boy"Conner said seriously as Ronin began hiding his tears."I was just exploring professor,you left me behind"he said with pain in his voice.The professor got sympathetic and then he stopped trying to ask questions and they decided to go back to the camp.Ronin was sent back to his room and he felt like he was back at step 0 feeling like shit.He wondered why there was a female camp directly to their camp as he thought it was really strange.Meanwhile back in the main building Conner was happy to see that they didn't call the cops on him and he decide to call back the boys back to the camp as the situation had been unpredictable.Hopefully the kid wasn't gonna tell the other boys what had happened to not cause alot more chaos."Conner we really shouldn't have left the kid behind,even if what he did was wrong"said Rose as she entered the room."Yeah,but atleast he had been taught a lesson in this whole experience"he said as he sighed."Yeah but it would have been better to talk to him and not just leaving him here without even saying anything"Rose said as she received a phone call."Every thing is fine boss,the boy has been retreated,they let him go"she said talking to the person on the phone."So do we bring the boys back to the camp,understood boss"she said as she put the phone back in her bag."Oh Rose,I suddenly remembered that it's gonna be your turn to prepare an exercise this time"Conner said trying to lighten up the mood."Yes indeed it is me,but what I will be teaching them in my exercise is something that would push them far beyond their physical capabilities"she said as she left the room."Huh,I wonder what she has in store for those boys this year"he said as he had never seen her in action before.

Back at the Resort
"So we gotta go back early for some reason?"asked Kevin as he had been enjoying his free vacation."Yes boys we have too fo back to the camp as another group of people have reservated this place also and they have even more power than us"Joe said as he tried his best to lie."Huh I wonder who else could reservate this place for themselves,probably some corrup politicians"Dexter said not catching up with Joe's lies.As they began packing up their bags all of them suddenly remembered that they had left Ronin behind snd thought about what he was doing right now.Probably something way awesome than some Resort they thought as they  would never know what had happened to poor Ronin on that very day and how he would react
when they would tell him that they had been told to leave him behind.

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