Trust No one

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The boys were being lead to what might be their doom.How the hell were they supposed to expect caves from the exercises"Boy's we're here ,but before we enter,I want to tell you something"he said as he stopped at the big entrance of the cave.Most of the boys were afraid to go in as they were afraid to of the dark.
"Boys the only thing standing between you and success is your mind,your minds have been programmed to be weak,they cannot handle pain but today I will channel your minds, everybody in this day and age cares only about themselves but those who care a little less about themselves are treasures,know this after you leave this cave you will not be the same,if you truly want to change I advise to go where you are most uncomfortable for you have nothing to lose but everything in the world to gain, remember sometimes you win and sometimes you learn now GO!"the man said pointing to the entrance.

All the boys run as they felt the rush of the mans words.Ronin didn't look back as he started shouting like the other boys heading to the dark and shadowy cave.Conner took out a remote with a red button and pressed it.The doors shut open and the boys started freaking out.On the otherside Conner couldn't stop laughing as he heard their cries."I can't believe we fell for the same trap"someone in the group of boys said.Ronin was unfazed as he started going deeper as he noticed there were other boys going deeper into the caves too.The 10 boys finally reached a flat place within the caves that contained light."Your goal is to find gold,It is visible through the walls and you won't need to mind,take the gloves and the person who gets the most gold will be given a chance to call anyone of their choice, except the cops and you can keep the gold,you have 1h 30 minutes"the boys read the sign next to the box containing gloves.They all looked at each other for a moment before they dashed to the glove box and dashed to find the most gold.As Ronin was headed to a certain direction he heard more people coming which ment that they read the sign too.He had no time to look at others,he noticed some gold and started digging through the rock and finally got it.As he was ready to go explore another place someone showed up in front of him.The boy Infront of him looked like the boy from before and he could probably kill him with his bare hands."Hand over the gold pipsqueak"the boy said looking like he was ready to cause some pain.Ronin was
afraid,so he did what any normal person would do in his situation.He turned the other way and ran the hardest he could.He fell but lucky was caught by Hunter."Hey dude what you got there?"he asked clearly looking at his gold."Don't mind if I do"he said as he took Ronin's gold and ran.Hunter got pushed down by something big.It was William."Sorry bro,but I gotta call my mama"he said as he took the gold from Hunter's hands, laughed and headed the other way.
So this is what it's come to.Friends turned to enemies.Guess I have to make a plan.

Devonte was having quite the luck.He had got 10 gold now."Oh my sweet Kesha,we shall be together again,I can't wait to hear her voice"he said as he started to day dream about his girlfriend."Yoink"Ronin said as he started to run."That was so easy"he said as he started laughing hysterically."Now where can I hide this gold?"he asked as he scratched his chin.He finally got it.Ronin then went another direction with his pants looking like he pooped himself looking like a newborn baby trying to walk."Hey dude ,have you seen any body with some gold"a boy with red hair asked."No,bro I need some gold myself,I got nothing"he said trying to convince the dude."Okay dude, I'll see you around"the guy said as he went the opposite direction.That was close Ronin thought."Hey dude! where's my freaking gold"devonte said looking livid."Chill bro,the guy with red hair took it"he said trying to cool him down.Devonte didn't seem to believe him as he looked down to his pants and noticed they were bigger."Take off your pants dude"he said anrylly."Chill bro,I don't swing that way,just calm down and we can probably get your gold back"he said starting to sweat a little."Take of your pants or else"he said clutching his knuckles.

Ronin couldn't believe they took his pants,now what to do,he couldn't go around like this.He looked around to find someone trying to dig out some gold.Luckly he wasn't facing him,so like a cartoon character he snatched the guys pants.
And started  walking around looking for Devonte.
"I can't believe he took my pants,I wonder where William and Hunter are?"he said with a curious tone.

Hunter was still chasing William and was about to grab him when suddenly a guy holding thick pants passed by and pushed him down."Hey dude,look where your going" he said looking pissed."All is fair in love and war bro,I gotta call the love of my life,catch ya later"he said running off somewhere.As Hunter got distracted by the guy that passed, William was already gone."Great,where the heck can I get gold"he said kicking the floor in frustration.Hunter suddenly remembered what the guy in the lab coat had said in the beginning."Everybody right now is probably thinking about themselves,then what can I do,going deeper isn't gonna help, just put more people at my back,I got it"he said to himself as a grin started forming on his face.Hunter got ready as he took out his axel spray and hid behind the cave wall as he heard someone coming at a high speed
With no remorse as the guy got close to where he was he started spraying him in the face."My eyes,what the heck"the guy cried out as he fell back .Hunter quickly checked his pockets and found 5 gold.He ran away leaving the guy on the floor.Again and again more guys fell to the wrath of the axel spray and Hunter was getting mlre power hungry."10 gold,20 gold,30 gold,100 gold"he said as he started laughing like a maniac."Only 10 minutes left"said a voice echoing through the cave walls.He was gonna win and the gold was all his."Stop right there Hunter"came a yell from Ronin."Hahahaha,it's too late Im gonna win and you can't beat me,now give me your gold"he said taking out his axel spray."Stop what your doing bro,for your own good"he said seeming to stretch both his arms out."It's over"he Hunter said as he sprayed Ronin.But...he ran out of axel deodorant."Now!"said the voice of Ronin as Devonte appeared behind hunter and held him back."Hahaha,you fell in my trap"he said laughing like a super villain.To Ronin's surprise Hunter started laughing."What's so funny?"Ronin asked looking confused."You idiot,your the one that fell into my trap"he said as a group of guys surrounded them."But how,why would they work for you?"Ronin asked."Simple, because your dreaming"Hunter said with an evil grin on his face."What!"Ronin said again confused."Your really dumb you know,in the beginning that big guy knocked you out,so this is all a dream"Hunter said starting to laugh."No,No,nooo"Ronin said in disbelief."Yesssss"Hunter said as he began to transform.To Ronin's horror everyone around him also seemed to transform."I'm back Ronny"said the army of Mrs Fries Infront of him."No somebody help me"he said as he pleaded but he couldn't seem to wake up."As they got closer,he closed his eyes as he excepted death."When he opened his eyes again he was on the floor still in the caves.Its over he thought to himself as he sighed in relief.But...that means he's gonna lose.He tried his best to standup but it was already too late."The challenge is over and you will be taken back to the surface,the winner is Harry Balls and goodnight"Conner said as his voice echoed through the walls."Who the heck is Harry Balls?"Ronin asked as he looked mad."Man i don't know"said Hunter as he sat down next to Ronin."So we lost"said William as he crept across the corner of the cave."Yep"said both of them in unison as they sat together and enjoyed their loss.

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