Snakes in the water

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"I see that all of you are in your swim suits,now in this exercise you shall be put in groups of five and 2 groups, your goal shall be to swim across to the end of the lake first together with the boats"he said as he pointed to the large amounts of boats on the coat."And  the team that comes out last will be forced to clean the main building toilets"he said with a menacing voice.Ronin really hoped he didn't end up with people he didn't know ."Now group,1 I shall call your names and you each get into a boat"he said as he read the paper that he held."Hunter,Levy, Xavier,Harry and Kevin"he said as they came in front.Oh shit thought Hunter and Ronin as they saw the three boys start to smile."Group 2 includes Ronin, Devonte,William,Dexter and Jack"he said as they also came forward.Ronin really felt like this was riged because really this wasn't fair,but he remembered what Conner had said in the last exercise,don't complain about your situation because there is always opportunity he thought to himself as he looked at his team members.He should at least say hi to the other two he thought as went closer."Hi guys,I see that were in the same team and thought that we should communicate and make a plan before we start"he said awkwardly."Yeah,names Dexter and I propose we leave the fat guy behind"he said looking at William."That isn't nice dude,let's just work together and everything will workout"said Jack as he put his arm around Dexter's head in an aggressive way."My apologies,I won't leave anybody behind"he said as he tapped out."Now get in your boats"said Conner as he pointed to the coast .The 10 boys ran and quickly pushed the boats in the water and started rowing.

Ronin rowed with all his might but Harry seemed to be rowing 10x faster.Dexter was being pushed by Kevin's boat and Devonte wasn't even trying seeming to forget that if he lost he would have to clean shit.William was somehow second behind Xavier in the race.Levy was getting annoyed of being behind William and started to push from behind.Like a true friend Hunter came out of nowhere and started pushing Levy and then went past him.And they said they won't leave anybody behind thought Conner as he looked with his benocular's."But this race isn't about team work,it's about who can last the longest "he said as a big grin formed on his face.Ronin started to feel something from below push his boat and it increased it's force so he went to the side but it didn't stop."Guys I think something's in the water"he shouted but it seemed like nobody was listening.Just like that something big collapsed into Jack's boat and it broke leading him to sink and get pulled in the water.The boy's started being freaked out and started rowing faster.Dexter moved past Levy and was now in fourth place and Ronin still in 8th place as he tried to move past Kevin and move away from the thing in the water.Suddenly, Harry's boat was also sank into the water making a splash move everybody in random directions.They all realized that this was more than a team exercise and they had to survive whatever was in the water.8 people left and nobody wanted to be drowned by the monster so they all headed to shore."Don't come on shore boys,the monster will easily find you,so head to the finish line if you want to be safe"he said with a loud speaker in his hand.

Ronin was now even more terrified for his life as he heard that from him.So we turned back and started rowing with god speed when nobody was paying attention."You won't get past me bro"said Hunter as he moved passed him and then more people followed and he turned to in last once again.How the heck were they rowing so fast he thought as h tried his best to match their speed.
As he was next to Kevin as they both started pushing each other trying to be the last man standing.But Ronin had one advantage,he was left handed so he held the left oar and pulled it high making water get into Kevin's eyes as he fell back.Devonte was next and he was pretty strong so Ronin decided to use his tennis ball and threw at his hand so he had enough time to move past him and then shoved water in his face.This was gonna take time for him to get first place, how the heck could he do it faster."Aha" he said out loud remembering the monster in the water.As he crept up behind Dexter he made a splash in the water and then yelled"Kraken".Dexter looked back to take an oar to the face as he was knocked out."He hated me now"Ronin said as he moved passed the non moving boat of his old teammate."Ok,just 4 left how hard could it be"he said as he tried to find out were William was but he was out of sight.So your telling me Im really that behind he thought as he felt something hit his boat once again."Oh shit"he said as he rowed  as fast as he could and suddenly saw William at front."Hey, William buddy"he said trying to get his attention but he seemed to be ignoring him.
"Hey dude,I know you can hear me"he said louder but he ignored him again and moved even faster.Ronin rowed as fast to gain on him and as he suddenly got really close and he could see his face and...did he see fire in his eyes."Your not gonna beat me"William said as he quickly moved passed Ronin.As he left him thinking that he was stronger than he thought and quickly rowed as fast."That's my line" he said as he also moved past him seeing Levy in the front.

Suddenly the water started to shake and waves suddenly appeared as a big tenticle hand grabbed Levy and sank the boat and now he  was out like the others.As it seemed it disappeared but it now seemed to want to grab Ronin.So he elegantly jumped out of his boat and into the water.The monster thought it also took Ronin with the boat so as fast as it appeared it disappeared.As Ronin now was stranded in the water he shouted for anybody to help,he was friendless,hopeless and boatless.As nobody seemed to be appearing he decide to go on shore and wait for William to appear.And 2 minutes later,he suddenly appeared and Ronin entered deep in the water so William couldn't see him.As he got closer he jumped into the boat."Heyyy buddy"he said as he showed his hand.William seemed to confused and at a loss for words as his dirtied friend was in his face.And just like that Ronin pushed him into the water and rowed as fast as he could as he heared echoes of pain but didn't look back."I'm a terrible friend"he said as he continued rowing and now was in contact with Hunter and seemed to see Xavier at the front."Glad you could make it bro,but this is where everything ends"said Hunter as he began pushing Ronin as he also wanted the top spot.As they  both got closer to Xavier they were now neck and neck.They all pushed each other and Ronin was in the middle.He couldn't lose now,he came so far he thought,but waves started appearing  and the tenticle shows up again.It strikes three of them down and now they were all in the water.But Ronin continued swimming as he saw the finish line.Both of the boys followed but the tenticle strikes again pushing all of them forward.He was so close,he couldn't lose now he thought as he was in the air as he lunged himself at the finish line and......

"Ronin congratulations you have won this challenge"said Conner from a loud speaker.Ronin felt happy and then he felt the world around him go black.

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