The first Lesson

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He really didn't believe they were doing this to him and on his birthday nonetheless.Ronin was in the back of his parents car looking pissed off as they were sending him to a discipline camp."Don't worry sport you'll have a good time" said his father failing to lighten the mood.He didn't want to sit around with hipsters who  would tell him about chakras and goood energy.
Why the heck were his parents doing in his room anyway he thought as he had a flash back.

It was 4:00 pm

"Mom dad I'm home"he said as he shut the door looking exhausted from a horrible day at school.As he entered the living room he saw his parents sitting on the couch seeming to be waiting for something, and what the heck was that his diary he thought eying the thing his dad was holding.His parents looked at him and they seemed to have a certain emotion in their eyes was that pity.He hated being pitied."Son you should have told us you were going through so much"his mother said in a comforting voice."Mom I really don't want to talk about this"he said in a angry and hurt tone."But son we have to,your depressed and you need help,is this why your always locked up in your room?".he said trying to comfort his son."No dad I don't need anybodies help and you know I stay in my room because I have alot of school work".he said as he started heading to his room."Son wait ,we found some people who can help you and you aren't gonna be seeing us for awhile".his father said looking down in disappointment."What do you mean?don't tell me your gonna send me off to a boot camp"he said with resentment in his tone."No son, we wouldn't do that to you, we just want what's best for you and it's a different type of camp,for kids like you"his mother said as she handed him a flier."Camp goldstruck?"he asked."Yes it's been recommended by my co-worker Mrs Rose,and it has good reviews"his mother said trying to make it sound pleasant."We already packed your bags and told your school you'll be going tomorrow"his father said.He couldn't believe this.So this is how they kick him out of the house.He didn't say anything and just entered his room and slammed the door hard.He thought of what he was gonna do to get tomorrow of his mind.Not doing anything for an hour he fell asleep at 7:00pm.

Huh so I wont be going to school.I'll take it as a free vacation and I won't have to deal with everyone's shit for awhile he thought."Were finally here"his dad said.Still mad at them he growled and raised his head to see a huge cube shaped building with no windows that was covered by forest."So this is the place?"he asked in a non caring tone."This is only the main building there is more beyond this"his dad said trying to lift the mood.As they stopped he stepped out of the car and went to the back of the  car and grabbed some of his bags.They went in the building and he swore he heard thunder as they reached the main gate.Ronin wondered where the other people were because there were no other cars.Was he late because he didn't want to enter and everybody would be looking at him.As they entered he felt a bad vibe around this place like he had been here before.They went to a snoughty looking lady chewing bubble gum."Can I help you?"she asked like she didn't even care."Yes we're here to bring our son Ronin Crow Shelby Foster"his dad said.Huh he really did have to say his name's he thought and the lady started giggling."Shelby Foster?"she said trying not to laugh.She started clicking on the laptop and then stood up."Come with me ,leave the bags someone will bring them to you"the woman said pointing at ronin."Your parents will have to go"she said again then lead Ronin somewhere.Didnt even get to say goodbye oh well they wanted me to leave anyway.As he walked behind this lady he started to notice that this place was huge.It looked big from the outside but damn.As she opened a big door revealing a big room with alot of seats that resembled a movie theater with a big balcony on top."Take a seat, here's the wifi password and no calls so you have to leave your phone on airplane mode"she said as she handed him a piece of paper with a number on it and then left the room.It was a bit dark but he could manage.As he started scrolling on Instagram he saw Jake his bully and a bunch of people at a party."I really am a loser"he said in a sad tone."What did you just say?"a voice asked."What the fuck are there ghosts here".he said looking around for the cause of the voice."I am no ghost young man"the voice said again.He looked up to see an old man in a suit on the balcony."Young Man you are not a loser,if you were you would not be here trying to better yourself"the old man said looking at him."Uhm thanks old man".he said sounding surprised."Don't sweat it young man,you better get ready as I think you have company"he said facing the door."What?"he looked around then looked up at the man but he was gone.A second later the door opened to reveal a bunch of teenage boys.They all took their seats and some of them even started talking together.Huh now I miss being alone."SILENCE"a voice said and they all looked around and they spotted a man on the stage who looked like some type of military Sargent.They all quited down."You are all here to change and become real man not play games so if you truly want to change we shall begin the first lesson :sacrifice,Now everybody give me your phones"they all obeyed and put them in what seemed to be some kind of you box."Good now let me show you what sacrifice means"he said as he started breaking and stomping on all of the phones.Everybody looked in horror and some looked aggravated and started crying out."QUITE!next up on the list follow me outside to get your punishment"the man said.This guy has got to be crazy  every boy in that room thought.

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