Epilogue - Without Her

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"What's wrong, Satoru?" asked Mio. Out of the blue, Satoru Gojo invited her for lunch and he made it sound so important that she had to lie at work about her cat being sick. 

"Have something," Satoru said. "We've got something very important to discuss." He was dressed in casuals which gave Mio a hint that he was not at school but somewhere else. 


"Oh, you already decided? I haven't even looked at the menu." Satoru opened the menu when a man in black pants and white shirt, most of which was hidden under an apron, appeared. 

"Your order ma'am?" The waiter asked. 

"Two cheese sandwiches and get this man the best sweet dish you serve. That's all. Thank you!" 

Waiter gave the blindfolded man a strange stare before turning around and leaving. 

"What is it?" Mio asked again. 

"We'll discuss after we eat." 

Mio fumed and decided to wait as the man sitting across the table wanted. She knew that she had to agree to whatever he said until he told her what was going inside his head. 

The food arrived early. Mio made a smart choice ordering sandwiches. The sweet dish looked like some kind of soup. She wondered if they had given him sugar syrup. After gobbling up her sandwich, she asked again, "What was so urgent?" 

"I'm eating, madam." 

Mio took a deep breath and waited for the lazy sorcerer to finish eating. He took small bites and chewed slowly. Was he doing that on purpose or was she imagining it as she should have been sitting at her desk and sorting through the files to send to her boss for review and the files that were no longer needed. "Are you hiding something?" 

"You're acting like a detective again, Mio." 

How couldn't she? She had worked for the government and the justice system of the country. Her name was used as an inspiration until… she resigned. With her demeanor quiet and composed, she decided not to speak a word until Satoru began to speak. 

Satoru cleared his throat. "This sweet suspicious stew or whatever it is… tastes awesome… awesomely awful!" He gently pushed the bowl away. "We can't date anymore," he said. 

"Yeah, quit joking. Get to the point." 

"I'm not joking, Mio."

"Of course you are!" she yelled. Every single person in the restaurant turned to them. After politely apologizing, Mio turned her gaze back to the man she had had lunch with. "What is your problem?" 

He exhaled. "I can't see this relationship going anywhere, Mio."

"It's because you aren't even trying to discuss the problem." 

"Problem? The only problem is I can't do this anymore. Our relationship is hollow and I can't fix it." 

"Hollow, you say. Honestly, I have been giving my best to make you feel loved but you… you just run away from me. Let me ask you something…" 

Satoru sat straight, prepared for what she was about to throw at him. 

"Were you clinging to me for the last two years because you expected me to find her and now that you know I wouldn't do it, you don't need me anymore? Is that how it is?" 

"You are misunderstanding me."

"Nope. I'm seeing the clear picture. I'm being punished for the crime we committed together."

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