The Team

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"What were you doing in the jungle Yujji-kun?" Satoru asked.

"I never went there."

"How did Y/N see Sukuna, if you were never there?"

"I don't know. Even I was surprised when she mentioned him. I asked Sukuna about the same. He said that he hasn't seen her after she lost her memory."

"That's understandable. How can he be there if you didn't go? Let me have a talk with Sukuna."

Black markings appeared on Yujji's face and he spoke, "Looks like you don't trust your student's words. He said he never went there then how can I?"

"True," Satoru sat on the couch. "Is there any other way you can see her? Can you roam around without Yujji's body?"

'His intelligence is no joke.' "No, there's no other way. I'm trapped in his body."

"Fine. You know the repercussions, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, very well."

"She said that she wants to see you. I'll bring her here. You better behave and keep your hands away from her."

He nodded and Yujji returned.

Another week passed and Y/N struggled at her office. Whenever she forgot something, she began to act like it was nothing and asked for the details again. Candice was being the best support. She was always around Y/N.

"Good morning, Miss Y/N," Candice greeted her at the entrance of the office.

"Good morning, Candice. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing very well."

"And how are Phineas and Ferb?"

'Did she just...?' Candice looked at Y/N, who looked nothing like joking. "How can you joke with such a straight face?"

"Actually, I was asking about your brothers...indirectly."

"Oh, they are good as they always are. Building a roller coaster in the backyard."

Y/N smiled. "You are getting smart."

Everyone around her was astonished as they saw her smile for the first time after so many days. One of the staff mocked, "Looks like our Miss. Y/N found a new boyfriend." After she heard some giggles form other staff members, Y/N shot a death glare at him making him apologize immediately. No doubt she was excited and happy because Satoru was going to let her see his friend in the evening but she didn't like stranger's comments. People get to the conclusions without reading the whole story and that's very infuriating.

"What should I wear?" Y/N kept talking to her closet. There was no response of course. "Should I go for formal?" She tried out some combinations. "This is so tiring, casuals are better." Finally, she chose a pair of blue ripped jeans, a plain white tank top and a purple bomber jacket. "Perfect." She couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing him again.

Bus station was crowded than usual, as a result of which, she reached the restaurant later than she expected. Satoru was already there, sitting and sipping something from a mug, probably coffee. Y/N greeted and sat opposite to him. Her eyes searched for a specific person, who was not there. "He needed to use washroom."


"Why do want to see him?"

'Why do I want to see him? Even I don't know.' Reason was hard to figure out. "H-He is so...good looking. I-I want him t-to be my...friend."



"Are you the same girl who prefers to avoid new people?"

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