forty seven

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Last chapter before shit hits the fan hehe

"Chip, you're a fucking idiot," Harry groans out loud, rolling over in our bed after checking his phone the next morning.

I'd only been awake for half an hour, playing solitaire on my phone — like a grandma, was what Kirsty had said.

"Why? What's he done?" I ask, switching my phone off and turning to face my boyfriend.

He turns his phone over, showing me some tweets that were on his phone.

I scanned through them, noticing a picture at the top with the caption '#wroetoshaw mystery girlfriend??'

"Is that —"

"Us at the beach last night? Yep, and he accidentally posted it to his story," Harry confirms, and it's quite literally my worst nightmare. But even then, I could see the positive side.

"They can't see a face. And my dress is pretty covered, I think we're alright," I reassure him, running my fingers through his messy bed hair.

"I know. It's just too close of a call. You're mine, this — us, it's our little secret. I don't really want the whole world knowing about us. It's the one thing I've managed to keep private," he complains, and I do get it.

"I know, but he was drunk. We all were. It could've happened to any of us," I say, trying to defend Chip a little, even if it was his fault for being a little reckless.

"Yeah but it wasn't. I'm just glad he didn't get your face in it. I might've punched him," he admits, and I'm sort of shocked, but also not.

"You are not a violent person, Harry — except for gaming chairs and consoles, anyway," I grin, and it finally brings a smile to his face.

"Yeah, alright. I'm gonna just — go out for a bit of fresh air. My head is fucked anyway, you want anything to drink when I come back up?" He offers, getting out of bed and putting some shorts on.

"Orange juice if you're offering," I smile, watching him carefully because I had a feeling Chip was about to get a phone call.

"Sure. I won't be long, love you," he calls out, leaving me alone in our room.

If he was going to call Chip, then I was going to message Kirsty.

To: Kirsty

Can you come in my room for a debrief pls


I shouldn't have been surprised at the speed in which she managed to make it to my room, but in under a minute she was here, sat on my bed still in her pajamas.

"What's happened?" Is the first thing she asks, because obviously she knows me too well.

"So our table went to the beach last night, right? When we were there, Chip took a picture of me and Harry by the sea and accidentally posted it to his story. Like, you can't tell it's me at all but apparently it's blown up on the internet, H was showing me some tweets about it," I explain quickly, trying to sum it up to her.

"Where's Harry?" She asks, looking around the room, out of the door that opens to our balcony.

"He said he needed to get some fresh air, but I know him too well. I think he's calling Chip," I admit, kind of feeling sorry for him because I knew it wasn't intentional.

"Well, on the plus side, no one knows it's you. You want the harsh truth though?" She asks, and I knew I could always count on her for being truthful.


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