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"You have got your passport, right?" Kon asks, and it's instantly very clear that he's stressed about this video. Technically, it's Josh's video, but him and Kon have both been liaising about the particular details. Only they knew everything about what was to come.

"Yes! I know I haven't left the UK before, but I do know how to use a passport, and a thing or two about flying," I reply with a yawn. Honestly, he should've included four o'clock in the morning starts in the job description.

"Okay, okay, I was just checking. The guys should be here soon. I think Josh is splitting them up here for the different flights."

"Who's going with who?" I ask, hoping Kon would let me in on the big secret now. It wasn't like I was going to spoil it five minutes before it happened.

"You're with Ethan, Harry and Simon. You'll also have Kirsty and Jon. I'm with Tobi, Vik and JJ, James will be joining us too," he tells me, and honestly I'm quite chuffed with my group. I'm sure it'll be a laugh - and I already know that I'm on the good team.

"So where are we headed? More importantly, where are you headed?" I ask, hoping that it's somewhere cool. Well, I know it will be, considering I'm on the good team, but still.

"You're headed to Cyprus. Paphos. We're headed to...Benidorm," he says reluctantly, and I can tell that it's killing him not being on the good team for once. Apparently it was done to 'throw the guys off the scent'. That'll go out the window the moment they realise they're headed to Benidorm.

"Oh, nice! I've always wanted to go to Cyprus. Me and Kirsty will be sure to send a postcard," I tease him, watching a scowl form on his face. Just on cue, Kirsty comes back carrying three coffees, and I've honestly never been more grateful to see someone in my life.

"Three coffees, as promised," she says chirpily, probably because she knows she's in for a lovely few days in hot, sunny Cyprus.

"Legend. I love you, thank you," I grin, taking the coffee cup and drinking from it gratefully. As I do, I hear a group of footsteps approaching, and Tobi and Vik have arrived, Simon and JJ behind them. They all look exhausted, and I don't blame them.

"I might kill Josh for getting a flight this early," Vik says, and his words make us all laugh because he's usually pretty peaceful, even in holiday videos.

"I second that," JJ agrees with a yawn, sunglasses on top of his head.

"Felling lucky, JJ?" Kon asks with a grin, and I secretly feel very sorry for JJ, knowing that whilst he thinks he's off for a relaxing beach holiday, he is in fact going to a place swarmed by sex symbols, tourist hungry Brits and a reputation for being a...chaotic holiday destination.

"Always," he replies, and the smirk never leaves his face. Oh, how I wished to see his reaction in the flesh.

More footsteps arrive, and the rest of the guys arrive as I sip on my coffee. I catch sight of Harry, and it's the first time I've seen or spoken to him since the other day when I called him in my apartment. I hadn't even told him that I'd broken it off with Cam.

I catch his eye almost immediately and he gives me a sincere smile which I return.

"Morning everyone," Josh greets, and our attention turns to him almost immediately. Kon takes this as a cue to get the camera rolling, and so I step back a little, as does Kirsty, allowing for him, Jon and James to start filming different angles.

"So, on purple team are Harry, Ethan and Simon. Here's your envelope, open it as soon as you get to the elevator," he instructs, and passes the envelope to Simon. "JJ, Vik and Tobi, you're blue team. You can open your envelope once the other team has left," he explains, giving the envelope to Vik.

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