twenty one

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"So he slept on the couch?" Kirsty asks, eyebrows furrowed as she tries to grasp what exactly happened during my sick period spent away from her.

"No," I reply hesitantly, taking out a fresh pair of socks from my suitcase, needing them for the rest of today. We're flying back soon, just a quick trip to the beach before we leave. "We both slept in his bed."

She stands and stares for what feels like a good few minutes, but in reality lasted no longer than five seconds before she was already talking again. "In his bed?! Both of you?!"

"It's not the first time," I reply coolly, then realise what I've admitted to doing, and this seems to really send her over the edge.

"Not the first time?! Hang on, what the fuck have I missed here?" She gawks, shaking her head in disbelief. I guess I can't really blame her.

"Okay, that sounds bad. We shared a bed over the Christmas holiday, but that was purely because we both accidentally fell asleep when we were hanging out. It's not like that, or anything," I clear up, putting on my new socks, sat against the edge of the bed.

"Mhm, okay," she says, and whilst I can't see her face, I know the exact expression she's wearing right now, and it screams, 'Yeah, okay, sure thing.'

"I'm just glad I feel better. I already feel awful about yesterday. Did it cause issues?" I ask, already aware that no one was angry or annoyed, but I still worried about the logistics of it.

"No, not really. Harry's still in a lot of the shots, and editing will probably just say that Harry went back to the hotel for personal reasons or something. Don't stress about it, no one else is," she tells me kindly, and to be fair, it does put my mind at ease.

"Alright, thanks Kirsty."

"No worries. We should probably get moving, the beach is still a twenty minute drive out, I think we have a limousine waiting for us out front," she says gleefully, clapping her hands together. Her excitement was contagious, because the excitement spread to me rapidly.

We leave our suitcases in the hotel, because they're going to be picked up for us later to be taken to the airport for us. Perks of being on the good team!

"There's a fucking yacht!" Kirsty whisper shouts to me, as she checks her phone as we leave the hotel room. Her words immediately make my head spin, begging to have a look at her phone, where sure enough Kon has sent a message telling Kirsty that there is a yacht waiting for us at the harbour, under her name.

"Oh my god," I whisper, a gasp leaving my mouth. Like, I knew they were rich, but this is crazy rich. "This is insane!"

"I've never been on a yacht before!" Kirsty yelps, and she sounds how I feel inside. Obviously, I have also never been on a yacht before - why would I? Who would've thought I'd be experiencing so many firsts on this holiday?

"Me neither," I grin, although we tone it down as we approach the other boys, who are all waiting for us, unaware of the surprise to come.

"Morning Tilda, you look a lot better than you did yesterday," Simon comments, and Ethan gives me a half hug, wrapping his arm round my shoulder.

"Glad to have you back," he says quietly, smiling sincerely.

"Glad to be back! That was seriously horrible. I hope I never get food poisoning again," I groan, not even wanting to remember how yesterday went.

"Let's get a move on, then," Jon announces, though he does flash me a grin, which I know translates: I'm also glad you're back.

Kirsty and I walk side by side, allowing for Jon to walk ahead, filming as the boys go off on a tangent about something or other. Harry looks in his element, and I'm just glad he's back doing what he loves, with people he loves.

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