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"I'm beginning to think that this outfit is not pub attire," I whisper harshly to Kon, who had only just been roped into coming as well. It turned out he rarely went to the pub with the others, but when I had told him Harry had invited me and I'd agreed, I made sure he was coming too.

"You want the nice truth or the harsh truth?"

"Technically, if they're both truths then they should be -"

He looks at me warningly. 

"Okay, okay. I'll take harsh truth," I say reluctantly, packing up my bag, waiting for him to do the same.

"Harsh truth - no, it is definitely not pub attire. You're going to stick out. But, if you were going to let me finish, nice truth is that your outfit looks nice. You'll stand out in a good way," he compliments, and I regret being such a stickler for his choice of words.

I'm not sure if he made me feel better or not, but at least I know I can count on him being honest when I need him to. 

Everyone else had already headed off, but what I'd learnt today was that we arrived here before the guys, and left after. Especially considering Kon was head of the film crew, he had to oversee everything being set up, and everything being packed away too. 

"You just have such a way with words," I tease, helping him to pack away the remainder of his things. It wasn't long before we were piling into an Uber with all of our belongings.

I heard Kon giving the address of the pub we were meeting everyone else at, but he also then gave the driver our home address which confused me. 

"What're you doing?" I ask, not liking being unaware of sudden changes in plans. 

"Oh, he's going to drop you off at the pub and then quickly drive me home so I can drop all of this shit back. I'll be half an hour, tops. I'll come straight back," he says, as if it's all easy and simple. But it wasn't all easy and simple.

"You're leaving me by myself?!" I ask incredulously, looking over at my friend in shock, who looked like he'd just said something casual. 

"You'll be fine! You heard them all, they basically love you already. Besides, it'll be half an hour and then I'll be there too. I promise it'll be fine, relax, 'Tilda," he reassures me, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder. The action does relax me a little, and I realise that I may be overreacting slightly. These boys had been nothing but pleasurable to me since I'd met them, I really did have nothing to fear. 

"Okay, okay. Make sure it is only half an hour, though," I warn, looking out of the window as we drove through London. The traffic was surprisingly clear, considering it was a Monday afternoon. 

"It will. You have no idea how accustomed I've become to hauling all this shit up to our flat," he grins, leaning back in his seat. 

The car ride doesn't last much longer, and we pull up to a half empty car park, home to a pub named The Horseshoe.

"Interesting looking pub," I muse, looking around the general area. It seems quite quiet, but then again it's probably ideal for these guys, who just want a drink in peace.

"They're fond of it, for sure," Kon comments, and I realise it's my cue to get out of the car. I give a small thanks to the driver before shuffling out of the door, waving goodbye to Kon knowing I'd see him in no time. 

I decide to quickly send a message to Tobi, to try and make myself feel just a tiny bit less anxious. 

To: Tobi

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