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What just happened?

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What just happened?

In 1 day I was kidnapped and moved into a huge mansion in the woods. Im sharing a room with an unknown sexy woman, supposedly became the wife of the unknown sexy woman, and now I'm here. Waiting for a maid to bring me clothes.

So I can have dinner with the unknown sexy woman.

I need a break, seriously. She just left me alone in the room. I have so many questions, I have no idea what's going on. I started looking around the huge dark room. I was still kind of tired so I decided to lay down on the bed until someone came.

Finally, I heard 3 knocks on the door. "Come in" I said since I really had no idea what else to do.

The door opened and an elderly woman in maid clothes stepped in. She smiled at me before speaking, "Hello, my name is Maria, I came to bring you the clothes that Ms. Cruz requested for you. If you need anything please let me know." She had a very strong accent but I understood her perfectly.

Ms. Cruz? Is that the tall woman I was with earlier? I really need to ask her what her name is next time I see her.

"Thank you so much" I replied shyly to Maria.

She set down some black slacks and a black turtleneck shirt on the bed, it was both casual and formal. She also brought me some underwear, it seemed new so I decided to trust her and wear it.

She walked out without saying a word, leaving me alone once again.

I walked into the ginormous bathroom, and all the lights automatically turned on when I walked in. Every second I spend here I get more and more surprised at what money can buy.

I walked over to the shower and turned it on. I don't care what anyone says, sometimes them cold water showers feel better than hot.

I undressed and walked into the shower. I just stood there for a moment with my eyes closed, processing and thinking of today. Letting the water run down my body, I'm to stressed out I just want to relax for a little bit.

I hear the door opening and felt eyes all over my body.

I quickly turned around and tried to cover my intimate parts with my arms. There she stood, tall and her eyes looking all over my body, not moving anywhere else. Her expressionless face not faltering, it made me feel insecure because there was no reaction.

And as if something clicked in her she looked away and gave the opposing wall. "My bad, I thought you would've been brushing your teeth or something. Just wanted to check if Maria brought you the clothes." She said in a serious tone.

"She did, thanks. Is that all you needed?" I asked her while still covering myself. She turned back around to face me, tilted her head to the right and let her eyes roam again. "Yeah." She answered with a grin before walking out.

Oh my god. Oh my god? Oh my god???
I wanted to scream but I was already embarrassed enough. Thank god the water was cold or my blush would've been even worse than it already is.

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