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~The Day before~

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~The Day before~

My eyes fluttered open as I reached over to my nightstand to turn off my alarm. I wanted to hit snooze and go back to sleep but I had somewhere to be today. My head was hurting so much from last nights activities.

Last night.

Wait did she- I thought while turning my head to the side seeing blonde hair spilling over my pillows. "Oh fuck, I forgot to kick her out" I whispered to myself. This is gonna be such a pain in the ass.

Ugh, I'll deal with it after a shower. I stood up to look for my boxers and my sports bra. After finding them and dressing myself I went to the bathroom to get ready. I turned on the shower while brushing my teeth so by the time I was done, the water would be warm enough.

Once I got in the shower I started scrubbing my body. I didn't even hear the door open, I felt hands wrap around me from behind. "Hey" I heard a raspy voice say. What the fuck.

I hate when one nigh stands try to make it more than just that. I hate people touching me in general. I don't like being affectionate with anyone, even close friends.

I turned around and slightly pushed her off me. "Oh come on, don't be like that, let's have more fun" she said while trying to reach for my member.

I just stared at her with a blank expression, "get out" I told her, while stepping back. She was starting to get on my nerves, I wasn't gonna play games with her. I don't have the patience nor the time to be dealing with this.

She tried stepping closer to me, so I walked away from her, going to my cabinet. I pulled out my gun and pointed it at her head, "I said get out so hurry the fuck up."

She immediately screamed while running out the bathroom, I didn't even bother to check if she really left. I heard the door slam and finally, silence.

I went to continue on with my shower.

After finishing my shower I began to dress myself in my all black suit. I had a meeting with my father today and I wasn't gonna show up with jeans and a tank top. There's a time and a place for everything right.

I walked out my penthouse and into the elevator, clicking floor 1. Elevator music was never calming, it's just plain annoying. It gives me a migraine having to listen to the same tune on repeat. I reached my floor faster than expected and I was so grateful I didn't have to bear that awful noise again.

While walking out the elevator I saw there was a new, cute, receptionist. She was eyeing me while biting her bottom lip. I chuckled to myself while thinking of how I would fuck her later.

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