Stars | Norman x reader

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So like I'm sorry I haven't been uploading a lot. I've been struggling with school for a while, I've also lost a friend recently like a few weeks ago 💀but anyways hiii.

This takes place in the human world


"Fuck...Norman..I can't anymore..."

"Cmon just a little longer y/n..."


"Norman it hurts!"

"Don't worry I'm almost done, you'll feel way better after, trust me.."

"Be careful! That hurts when you press on it!" Y/n snatched the wet mini towel that had rubbing alcohol on it out of Normans hand.

"Well I'm sorry but we have to get this healed! Or else it's gonna get infected. Cmon just hold my hand" Y/n quickly grabbed Norman's hand and laid down again.

"On 3 I'm gonna press down again and we're gonna have to keep it there..Ready?" Y/n nods her head and squeezes her eyes shut.

"1...2..." Norman presses down the towel. "FUCK! YOU DIDNT SAY 3 YOU ASS" Y/n screamed as she threw herself back down on the bed.

"Well sorry! But we have to get this over with..just a few more minutes and we're done, I'll get you bandaged up ok?" Y/n nods her head.

Y/n's on the verge of crying. Norman quickly comes up to her face and wipes her tears away with his free hand.

Two minutes later, Norman finally removes the towel and starts to bandage her up. Y/n was sitting up and looked at how gently Norman was bandaging her thigh up.

"Thank you Norman.." Norman looks up at her for a second and then goes back to bandaging her thigh. "For what?"

"For being there for me and taking care of me..even if I can be a pain in the ass sometimes."

Norman lightly laughed, "Of course, anything for you y/n"

Y/n's pov

I lay outside of mine and Norman's house. No we're not dating, we're just friends but he decided to move in with me so I wouldn't get hurt.

I was laying outside on the grass. The moon was shining as bright as the stars..

the stars...


Will I ever be a star?

Norman sits next to me, noticing that he's looking at me up and down, smiling.

"Norman will I ever be a star?"

Norman looks down at me..that smile again.

"Of course, at some point we all will be"

I sit up and look at Norman while he looks up at the stars..

"Why'd you choose to live with me? I'm fine on my own.."

"Y/'s because I've liked you for a long time, I always admired you, I always looked forward to seeing you everyday at the orphanage.."

It was silent.

The only thing you can hear were crickets.

"I think that one day...we'll be stars together.."


Ik this is short but I've been so caught up in sports and homework, I'm so sorry

Ray/ Norman x Reader / Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now