My baby - Ray x Reader

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A lot of time skips 😭

~ =time skips
- or _ = later

This will NOT be following the manga in any story of way, especially when it comes to the bunker part.
"My baby, My baby... You're my baby, say it to me... baby, my baby. Tell your baby that I'm your baby...I bet on losing dogs.. I know they're losing and I pay for my place by the ring..."

You can hear your mothers voice singing to you. You were still in the womb at the time, you couldn't make out how your mother looked like.

Once you were born, all you could see of her was Brunette hair and a Grayish blackish dress going up to her knees. You were taken away after that.


You were humming the tune of the song your mother had been singing to you when you were in the womb.

"Y/n...where did you learn that..?"

Y/n opened her eyes and turned to Isabella.

"I learned it from my mama.."

Y/n went back to closing her eyes and humming it


"Alr what's the plan then?"

"We escape at night, no matter what."

Ray and y/n were in the library planning out their escape at the age of 10.


"I'm what.."

"You're getting adopted, aren't you really excited Y/n!"

"Yea, omg I'm getting adopted!"

Y/n had put a fake smile on their face. She walked away and her smile turned into a frown.

She walks in the room where Ray was, tears were rolling down their cheeks.

"Ray... I'm getting shipped..."

"What. No, you can't be. Me and her had a promise!"

Ray ran over to you and hugged you. He didn't wanna let go. You're the reason he still keeps going.


"Everyone I know it's really sudden but Y/n is getting adopted! Tonight she is leaving."

The kids were in shock because it was so sudden but then crying was heard next.

"Y/n please don't leave us!"

"I don't want you to go Y/n!"

"Please play tag with us all day today!"

Children were surrounding Y/n. The three oldest were in the back, Emma was Crying while Norman tried to comfort her. Ray was silent.


"Everyone say goodbye to Y/n!"

"Bye y/n...Send letters all the time!!"

"Don't forget us Y/n!"

"You won't forget us right y/n?!"

"Of course not, y/n will never forget us!"

Children were sending their goodbyes to you, especially Emma and Norman since they don't know about the house. Ray was silent.

"Mama...can I talk to Ray real quick?"

Ray/ Norman x Reader / Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now