Escape.. | Ray x Reader

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You're Norman's twin sister but different hair color, same eye color
TW - Cussing

Y/n's pov

I was tapping my foot on the floor because I was nervous (does anyone else do that or is it just me?) Norman was supposed to escape today but I had a feeling he wasn't going to...

I looked over at mom and she had a shocked look on her face, I smiled and knew he did it! Her expression then changed to a smile? I looked back and saw Norman.. fucking Norman.

____________Time Skip_____________

"YOU FUCKING IDIOT YOU COULD'VE ESCAPED?!" I yelled at Norman, tears were streaming down my face and I could see that Norman was crying to. We were alone in our room we shared with other children but it was just us in it, "I'm sorry n/n.. I really am, but I couldn't do it, I'm sorry." Norman looked at me with a sad smile. I looked down at the floor not wanting to make eye contact with him. "Norman please. You still have time, go." Norman still had that fake smile on his face and the last thing I heard from him was, "I'm sorry n/n I can't, please live on for me and escape this place. I'll always love you."

Those have been the last words I've heard from him. Ever since then I've isolated myself in either the bedroom or library.

Rays pov

Ever since Normans shipment, Y/n has never been the same. She's isolated herself in the bedroom or library. This time I went to check up on her.

"Y/n.. you ok?"

"Am I ok..? No Ray, my fucking twin brother got shipped out and probably got eaten by fucking demons, I've been devastated ever since he got shipped out. The last words I heard from him was that HE WAS SORRY AND THAT HE WANTS US TO ESCAPE THIS HELL HOLE, HE FUCKING BROKE OUR PROMISE, SO IF YOU THINK IM OK, THEN YEA IM OK BECAUSE IM FOR SURE NOT SAD AND SUICIDAL RIGHT NOW BECAUSE MY TWIN BROTHER GOT SHIPPED."

She was really pissed off. This broke me just by seeing her like this. She didn't wanna eat, she never even slept. I sat right down next to her and tears were just streaming down her face.

"Y/n, I know it's hard on us, especially you but cmon you have to eat and sleep Atleast once.. Norman would've want you to sleep and eat."

"Don't you dare bring Norman into this conversation and how he would've wanted me to do this and that."

Y/n had stood up and walked away, I'm guessing she was going to the bedroom. This shit really broke her.


There might be a part 2 idk yet 😭

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