The moon | Norman x reader

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"Isn't the Moon beautiful?"

It is poetic, romantic way of saying "I love you"without specifically saying it.

9 years old

"Y/n Wanna go outside?" Norman was by the library door waiting for Y/n's answer. Y/n looked up from her book to look at Norman. "Sure snowy"

Norman absolutely loved the nickname she gave him. He would always get butterflies in his stomach.


As you both went outside Norman spoke up and said, "Doesn't the Moon look beautiful y/n?" Y/n was confused because it was sunny outside.

"What do you mean Norman? It's sunny outside, the moon isn't out until night?" Y/n looked at Norman and then the sky.

Norman chuckled, he was glad she didn't know what the meaning was behind that.

From that day on he started using that phrase to tease y/n because she didn't know the meaning.
11 years old

"The moon looks beautiful doesn't it y/n?" Norman said one last time looking at y/n. Y/n got sick and tired of him saying that phrase, she then finally decided to ask him what it means.

"Norman, what you are actually implying when you say "Isn't the moon beautiful y/n? Please tell me, I'm getting sick and tired of you teasing me! I want to know so bad!"

"Y/n be patient, I'll tell you one day. I'll tell you when we escape from this hell of a place."

Norman faced her and smiled. Y/n was just pouring but then laid her head on Normans shoulder.


"I promise y/n don't worry"

15 years old



"Isn't the moon beautiful"

"Don't be using that shit on me."

"What do you mean y/n?"

"You're not real. Get the fuck out of my head."

"Good eye y/n."

They meet Norman

Emma and Ray were hugging Norman. They were crying. Y/n was standing behind the kids. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Norman..." she muttered under her breath. Norman looked up and had a shocked face but then it turned into a soft smile.

"Y/n.." Norman opened his arms up to let Y/n hug him. Y/n ran over to him and started sobbing.

"You fucking idiot I thought you died."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"

All the kids, especially Emma and Ray were out of the room giving them privacy.

Both of them stood in a hug for a few minutes, but to them it felt like forever.

"Y/n I've got a question.."


None of them pulled away from the hug.

"Isn't the moon beautiful?"

"Yes Norman it is..."

Norman chuckled to himself.


I've been working on this for days bc I kept taking breaks 💀

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