Whats the matter? Scared? | short

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TW - Mentions about slitting throats, killing, etc.



The phone was ringing.



There was another girl talking.

"Who are you?"

"My names Ophelia, what's your name?"

"Oh, you must have the wrong number. Bye now"

Gilda hung the phone up and the phone started to ring again.


"I'm sorry, I guess I dialed the wrong number again."

"So why'd you dial it again"

"To apologize."

"Well you're forgiven, bye now"

"Wait! Don't hang up, let's get to know each other!"

"No, I'm good..bye now"

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

"....Who the hell is this?! I'm hanging up."

"Hang up and I'll slit your throat..better yet I'll slit your little boyfriends throat."

"Leave him out of this. Touch him and I'll fucking kill you."

"I'd like to see you try Gilda.."

"Who the fuck are you?"

Gilda slowly took a knife out of her kitchen drawer.

"That's for you to find out, If you live."

"Stay the fuck away from me, the police are gonna be here any minute!"

"That'll be a really long time then, which gives me so much time for you to decide your death."


Gilda was heard yelling to Anna, There was no response.

"Aww that's to bad Anna is not responding, why not go check on her?"

Gilda had dropped the phone and ran over to Anna's room. Blood was everywhere, it was on the walls along side the floor where Anna's body is laying dead.

"No no no no...NO!!"

Gilda held the dead body of her friend. A few seconds went by and she got up and went to get the phone.

"You asshole...I'm calling the police.."

"By 'police' you mean That group of them hm? Ray, Emma, Norman, and especially Y/n? Hate to break it to you but they're not here."

"How would you know? You wouldn't fucking KNOW A DAMN THING"

"Oh my, keep your voice down, no need to get loud! But by that I mean that they're sound asleep and I have their cell phones."

"You bitch."

Gilda slowly started dialing Ray because he had an extra phone on him just in case.

The phone had started ringing but it can be heard from upstairs.

"That's a shame, seems like Ray doesn't have his backup. But I'm sorry Gilda it's time for you to die."

"Fuck You. Try all you fucking want I've been through worse. DONT FUCK WITH ME."

Gilda hung the phone up and started searching around making sure no one was inside.

Suddenly, someone came running over to her, the thing had a ghost face mask on and had all black on.

"Surprise Gilda"

The person had a knife to Gilda's neck and started to slit it very slowly. Suddenly another one appeared.

"There's two of you...?"

Suddenly both of them started to raise their mask up.

"Wait. Y/n.? Ray?!"

"Surprise Gilda" they both said in sync


"And with that following up, 2 other body's have been discovered at the house Marsh resident, with their daughter, Gilda Marsh and her friend Anna Perez, who had been staying over for a sleepover. Police say that this may be the return of the most infamous killer. Ghost Face."

The tv was then turned off.

"Dear, why are we doing this exactly?"

"Revenge, love"


This was short I think idk 💀

This was short I think idk 💀

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