Part 11

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I was sitting down in landos hospital room, tired and waiting for him to wake up. The doctors told me that he hit his head on impact when he hit the floor but before he hit it he hit something pointy which lead to a major concussion. They said that when he talked to them before he went to sleep he asked for me and asked if I am ok so there was no memory loss. Thank god. He had slept the whole night because they had given him some pain meds, me on the other hand stayed up all night watching over him just in case something happens to him during the night.

At around 6.30 in the morning my eyes started to close shut until I heard landos voice calling my name. I called a nurse and ran over to him and gave him a soft kiss because I didn't want to hurt him. I placed my hands on both sides of his face and just admired him. Out of nowhere I just started to cry and lando pulled me onto the bed and held me close to him. I looked up at him and said 'I am so sorry, what happened to you was all my fault if I had just done what he wanted me to do you would have been ok'. He looked down at me and said 'Y/n, nothing is your fault ok, I wanted to protect you from that horrible man and that is all I had in my mind, protecting you, the love of my life. The good thing is that you are safe and I am healing, I don't want you to worry ok, now get some sleep, I will be right here when you wake up'. I placed another light kiss on his lips and held him close to me as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up hours later to the doctor talking to lando. They filled me in by saying that he can leave tomorrow but wont be able to drive in the race for this week. They also told me to be careful of any headaches and nausea and if he had any of those symptoms he would have to come back to hospital. The doctor then left and closed the door behind him. I got out of bed and sat down on a chair next to his bed so I could give him some space. I then looked at him and said 'Do you still want to go and watch the race or do you want to go home early, maybe we could start moving our things into our new house and setting it up, what do you thing'. He smiled at me and said 'I think going home early would be a very good idea, why don't you give my assistant a call and tell her to pack up all of our things and bring them here, then call my pilot and tell him to bring the jet here. We might have to stay another night here but tomorrow early morning we head back to Monaco. I gave him a kiss before I grabbed his phone and made the calls he requested me to do.

After I made the calls I decide to take a shower since I hadn't even changed out of my pjs since last night. I grabbed the outfit and toiletries that alex had gotten me and walked into the shower whilst lando was talking to Carlos who came to visit him. After I showered, I did my after shower routine, got dressed and put my hair into some braids. After I was done getting ready I cleaned up the bathroom slightly an walked back into the main room.

 After I was done getting ready I cleaned up the bathroom slightly an walked back into the main room

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As I walked out I saw landos assistant and some other people bringing our stuff into our room. I thanked them after they where done and went to sit next to lando. He turned around and looked at me and said 'Babe, I am really craving some milk right now, can you go get me some'. I laughed at him and said 'Yes, I will go get you some milk, do you want anything else.' He smiled back at me and said 'Maybe get us some food for tonight so we can have an at hospital movie night, how dose that sound.' I stood up and gave him a kiss then said to him 'That sounds perfects, I will be back in 30 minutes'.

I came back from my little food shopping spree and I saw lando just getting out of the bathroom. I set the food on the side table next to the bed and started making the bed more comfortable. After lando and I got into the bed and got comfortable. I passed him his milk and grabbed my laptop then we decide on which movie to watch. We decide to watch the lorax and whilst we where watching the movie we ate the food I had managed to find in the hospital. After the movie finished I cleaned up the things we ate from and put the laptop back on the night stand. I crawled back next to lando and placed my head on his chest. He put his hands around me and said 'Thank you for  being there for me, I am glad you where by my side the whole time I was in here, it would have been much worse without you here. I looked up at him and said 'Listen to me my love, I will always be here for you whenever you need me. If its highs or lows, wins or defeat I will always be right next to you as the person you can lean on for trust, love and support, never forget that'. He placed a kiss on my lips and held me closer to him which made me feel safe.

At around 23.30 lando fell asleep laying on top of me but I was still awake. I was so grateful that I had a person like lando who would do such a thing for me, protect me and put me first, I am so glad that I found him. He has made my life better and I could not imagine it with out him now that he is in it. He opened my eyes and made me realize that after the rain comes a rainbow and lando...he is my rainbow

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