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Callie couldn't believe her sister. She got herself in danger too. "My sister is stupid!" She says looking at Mike. "I don't even know why I said that knowing she is my cousin." She stated as they walked away. She stopped as she looked at him. "Alec doesn't like me, Jace. I know that they are like your brother and sister, but he doesn't like me for some reason."

"Callie, ignore him. Alec doesn't like anybody." Jace tells her as he continued to grab everything not knowing that Mike had something to say to Callie.

"Then why would he help me?" She asked. "I can tell with the way he acts, he doesn't want to help. If he can't stand me, than he can go back home and dig that damn stick out of his ass."

Mike covered his mouth as he tried his best not to laugh at that comment. "We're parabatai." Jace tells her as he put something else in the bag before looking at the blonde. "There's no human bond that compares to what Alec and I have. We're bound together for life. Bound to fight together, to protect each other."

"I understand that completely." She says. "I just wished to understand why he acts like an ass towards me. I wouldn't want to ruin a bond. Just a simple question as to what I have done to him."

Mike looked to see Jace staring at him. He mouthed 'we need to talk." "In battle, our hearts beat as one." Jace continues to tell Callie his and Alec's story. "If one of us were to die...a part of the other would die inside as well. He'll be here, Callie."

"Thank you for explaining that to me." She tells him. "I guess that's like how Mike and I are."

"Exactly. He is wherever you go." Jace tells her. "Are you ready?"

Callie nodded as she was ready to save her friend and cousin. Holding her weapon in hand to see it glow, she looked at Jace who held his hand out for her to take. "Callie, can I speak to Jace right quick?" Mike asked.


Callie walked towards Alec to speak to him. "What?" Jace asked as he saw them talking.

"Helen Child is Callie's mother." He tells him. "I don't know how to tell Callie that she will never see her mom."

Jace looked to see Alec talking to Callie about something. The look on her face says she's surprised that he wasn't being an ass causing him to smile. "I will tell her. Somehow." He says. "Thanks for looking that up."

"She's my best friend. I will always make sure she knows the truth." He says. "Like how she accepted the life of a Shadowhunter as fast as she did. I will make sure she knows everything and is always safe."

"You are just like Alec."

Mike glared as Jace laughed walking away. "I'm telling Izzy."

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