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Callie stood beside Jace as they looked at the screen. "Where are you, Jocelyn Fray?" Jace mumbles as Callie was hoping to find her mother.

"Any signs?"

Seeing that it showed restricted had Callie sighing and walking away. She needed to see if her best friend would help her find her mom since her sister is being jealous of her and Jace's friendship or whatever is happening between them.
Callie smiled as she looked at the outfit she was in. "Is that the least revealing thing you have?" Clary asked as her sister was showing more skin then ever.

"Clary, stop acting like this and let me do what I want."

"And that is."

Callie looked at her sister as Izzy stood there listening. "Listen here, Clary, you may not care what happens to me because of your little jealousy fit, but I'm following our mother's footsteps." She tells her. "Now you either help me get our mother back or stay the hell out of my way."

Izzy watched the blonde walk away. "Now that, I think was hot. Now I see what Jace sees in her. She's very feisty."

"So, you, Alec and Jace are...what, like, family?" Clary asked causing her sister to look at them.

"Translation, you want to know if Jace and I are a thing."

"Why do I care?"

"Because you do, unlike Callie. She doesn't, but she's listening anyways." Izzy says. "Don't worry, Callie. In every way, he's like my brother." Callie shook her head as Izzy was trying to get a reaction out of Clary. "Our parents took Jace in when he was ten. We trained together. Learned to fight side by side."

"See, a few days ago, all I had to worry about was getting into art school, but now, I feel like I'm in the right place." Callie says.

"No pep talk to you." Izzy says as she looks at Clary. "See, she accepted her true destiny."

Callie rolled her eyes as she walked away to find Mike. "Where's Mike, Izzy?" She yelled causing her to look at Clary.

"Callie, that man is hot."

"Gross!" The blonde yelled. "Keep the dirty thoughts to yourself, Izzy!"

Izzy looked at the redhead smiling. "I think I have me a best friend."
"Simon wants to leave with Clary." Mike tells her.

"Let 'em." She tells him. "I'm finding my mom."

Izzy walked by them causing Mike to stare causing Callie to gag. "Hey, Jace has a thing for you, why can't I have a thing for that sexy woman."

"Oh god." Callie says.

"I don't approve this mission. I spoke to the Clave."

"And the ass is here." Callie says.

"They're sending Seelie scouts to search for Valentine." Alec tells them.

"Don't call me little girl." She tells him. "Next time you call me that, I will kick your ass. I need to find Dot."

Clary started explaining everything. Callie grabbed her necklace as she was nervous about all this. Just the thought of Dot had her seeing where the woman could be at. "Callie?"

"You know, I think I know where Dot is." She tells them as she looked at the necklace her mom gave her.

"Great. I'll drive." Simon says as Clary glared at her sister.

"How do you know?"

"The reason why mom never said anything or given you anything because of that damn attitude." Callie tells her.

Izzy smirked as she looked at Jace. "Now that was hot." She says.

"Shut up." Jace tells her.

Jace grabbed Callie as they walked away. Clary glared as she followed them. Mike looked at Izzy. "After you, beautiful."

"Aren't you a gentleman."
Getting to the place that Callie saw Dot at, the blonde walked in front of them as she grabbed her necklace. She saw Dot was in trouble and ran off. "Dot!" She called out.

"Callie!" Jace called out as he chased her down.

They ran to the exact place that Dot was last seen from Callie's necklace. "Callie!" Jace says as he ran ahead of the others causing Clary to stop as she watched with jealousy. "Callie, stop! Where are you going?"

"They got Dot." She tells him. "Two members of the Circle."

"Then we have to stop them." Clary said as she ran in.

"Idiot." Callie replies as she ran after her twin with Jace behind her.

The blonde didn't run anymore as she knew, Dot was gone. She grabbed her necklace as Clary turned looking at her sister. "She was trying to help us."

"More so, Callie." Mike spoke up causing the redhead to glare.

"Nothing." She said. "She's gone."

"It's not safe here." Alec says. "We need to go."

"So, you're going to give up. Valentine has two people who mean the world to me. Our mom and Dot." Callie says. "Is there a way to regain my memories?"

"What about mine?"

"You didn't want to be a part of this." Callie tells her. "If mom believes that I'm more stronger than you are in this world, than I need to remember something that can help. You're memories, I don't think you want to know as you jump to conclusions too fast, make things about you, run into action without a plan, and you are too scared of what is happening."

"There's another option."

"Don't even." Izzy pointed at him.

"I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers."

"The Silent who?" Callie asked as Mike chuckled.

"They're Shadowhunters with superior powers." Jace informs Callie.

"Who possess the ability to recover memories." Izzy says looking at the blonde.

"It's always Callie." Clary said.

"Shut up, Clary!" Callie says.

"A process that can also kill you, so there's that." Alec says.

"Your bedside manner is abysmal." Simon says.

"For once, I'll agree with him." Mike replies.

"Duly noted." Callie says as Clary kept her mouth shut.

"We've broken at least 18 Clave rules and now you want to go to the City of Bones?" Alec says as the blonde looked at her best friend.

"City of Bones. Nice ring to it." She says.

"Yep, you aren't afraid of anything." Mike says. "I am interested though."

Callie laughed at her friend as they listened to Alex complain as Jace looked at her. "It's Callie's decision."

"We can't ask her to do this." Izzy says worried for her new friend. "She doesn't know what she's facing."

"And let's pretend the blonde isn't in the room." Callie says with her arms crossed. "If there is another way to recover my memories for answers that we need, then I'm listening, but therefore, we go see the Silent Brothers."

No one said a word causing Callie to smile as Jace smirked. "See? I told you she's one of us."

Jace put his arm around Callie as they walked by Alec. Izzy walked over to Mike as he did the same as Jace. Putting his arm around her, the two walked away with Alec. Clary glared. "Are we going?"

"You can go." Clary says. "I'm not going to stand here and not be noticed."

Simon shook his head as he walked away from the jealous redhead.

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