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"Callie?" She looked away from Jace to her friends. "Callie, come on. We gotta go." Simon tells her.

"Man, let her decide." Mike said as he looked at his best friend.

Callie smiled as Simon looked at her. "I'm going to stay here. Jace can help us." She said as she took Jace's hand. "I need answers as to what is going on and why they have my mom."

The sounds of sirens caught their attention causing Callie to grab her best friend Mike and walk in with Simon and Clary. She stood beside Jace as he showed Simon and Mike the headquarters. Mike looked at Simon as he panicked. "We think our mother's at the center of it." Clary tells Simon after he asked about a war he didn't know about.

Jace grabbed Callie's hand causing Clary to glare. "Don't start this jealous act." He tells her. "You think your better than your sister, but you both are the same, but different. She listens more. You don't."

"You coming?" Jace asked them.


Callie just walked with Jace as her sister glared with how close they are. When she heard Simon tell Clary that they were trusting a cold blooded killer, she looked at him. "Simon, he's not a killer. He's protecting us."

"Specifically, you. It's sort of our thing." Jace says.

"Nice place." Mike said causing Callie to look at him.

"Your thing? You guys have a thing?" Simon asked causing Callie to close her eyes.

"You know what. I shouldn't even been explaining since jealous butt here thinks she knows more, but Jace means a Shadowhunter thing." Callie said. "That's what they do, protecting humans from demons."

"Demons, right. That makes perfect sense, cause there are demons running all around New York."

Callie felt her hand get squeezed causing her to look back at the screen in front of her. "That is the first thing you've said all day." Jace says.

"I don't know what's going on, but if Callie is in, then I'm sticking to her side." Mike said. "She's my best friend and you can tell she's interested in this."

Callie didn't say anything as she saw the police. "NYPD."

"Did they find us?" She asked.

"No. Our wards will deter them."

"Oh." Callie said looking back at the screen.

"And the NYPD will do their typical mundie thing for a few hours and then the area will be clear." Jace informs them.

"What's going on?"

"And the ass shows back up." Callie mumbled causing Mike to cover his mouth.

"Why is there two mandanes in the institute?" Alec asked.

"A Circle member followed them to get to Callie." Jace said as Mike noticed how he acted when he said Callie's name.

"A Circle rune, just like the guys that took our mother." Clary say causing Callie to look at her sister.

"What exactly is a Circle member and why are they trying to kill us?" Simon asked.

"I'm with Simon on this. What is a Circle member?" Mike asked.

"All we know is...a long time ago the Circle led a revolt." Jace tells them causing Callie to look at him with interest. "A lot of Shadowhunters got killed...including my father."

"Jace, I'm sorry..."

"And since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about the Circle." Alec tell them.

"Duly noted." Callie says.

"But, how is that even possible? It's your history." Clary says.

"Says the girl who doesn't believe that we are Shadowhunters, but Callie didn't know she was a Shadowhunter?" Jace says causing the blonde to smile a bit and her sister to glare.

"You're right." Calle says as Jace dragged her to another part of the room. "But now the only person who knows the truth is missing, so I do care about your rules..."

"I don't care about their rules or what's forbidden, I'm...there's got to be someone out there that knows why they've taken our mother." Clary says.

"Can you not respect them? They are trying to find our mom."

"There is." Jace says as he looked at Callie. "You coming?"

"Sure." She said as she followed him.

Mike, Simon, and Clary went to follow them. "No, no, no. Not you three." Jace says.

"Hey, we're a package deal." Clary tells him.

"Yeah." Simon and Mike agrees.

"There are runes all over the training room floor that will kill you, your mundie boyfriend and best friend." Jace tells them as Callie looked at them with her mouth shut.

"He's not my..."

"I'm not, like..."

"Too hilarious." Callie says as she looked at Mike. "Keep an eye on them."

"Sure thing."

"We're just, uh, friends."

"Best friends like Mike and Callie." Clary says.

"Can we go?" She mumbled as she listened to Simon embarrass himself.

She heard Izzy causing her to look at her. Mike was staring at her causing Callie to laugh. "Someone's in love."

"Now that woman can do what ever she please to me." Mike said causing Callie to gag.

Jace cleared his throat. "The runes."

"Don't worry, Callie. I'll watch over the best friend." Izzy says as she walked up to Mike causing him to smirk.

Callie looked at Jace. "On second thought, the runes might be less lethal." Jace says.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Izzy says causing Callie to look at her best friend.

"Have fun, Mike."

"You know I will."

Callie looked at Jace as she listened to Mike flirt with Izzy. She shook her head as Mike looked at Jace and Callie. "Go on, get your answers. I'll be just fine with this beauty."

"And again. Gross." Callie said as she looked at Jace who held an amused smile. "So where are we going."

"The training room." Jace says as he watched Callie leave and leaned in between Clary and Simon. "Just don't eat the food. Dangerous."


He walked over to her before the two went to the training room.

Hey guys this is the first half of the second episode and I have a question. I want to do an Alec Lightwood story, but I don't know if he should stay gay (I suck at male povs) make him bi or if i should have someone in his place to be gay. Let me know and I also need help finding a faceclaim. Thanks

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