The Watering Hole

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It took us a while, but we did manage to get our shelter in relatively good shape. We found enough planks that were around the same size and tied them together and used more to stabilize the bottom, creating a stable platform to walk on. We found one of the smaller couches and managed to get it up there for us to sit on and most of the mattresses were mostly not destroyed so we could sleep on them, not that I've done much sleeping thanks to nightmares. Kenji also insisted we make a slide, so we scraped together some fabric and bigger pieces of wood and made a semi-decent slide that kinda hurt to go down, but it wasn't terrible. It's been a week, or maybe two, since we set off the beacon but we haven't seen any signs of people here to rescue us. Now, I was settled on the ground, sitting next to Darius as he laid on his stomach and wrote in a small book about some Compies that were sleeping just in front of us. I jumped in my spot as the towel the small dinos were laying on was yanked out from under them, making them screech and run away.

"Shoo ya retro iguanas!" Kenji shouted at them as he fanned out the towel before throwing it over his shoulder and walking back towards the shelter and climbing up the ladder. We both looked at each other and rolled our eyes before standing and dusting ourselves off before climbing back up after him. Darius sits on the couch as Kenji gets in our makeshift shower and turns on the water, which is just more so a hose we found and cut into a tube and placed into a jug and hung up.

"Ah! Does this water ever get warm?!" He shouts and I laugh quietly before answering, "Probably not, since we don't have the water jugs in the sun." No response comes so I decide to look around at everyone else. Brooklynn is sleeping still, even though it has to be close to noon but whatever, and Yaz is using some crates as makeshift stairs to walk up and down as some kind of physical therapy. She reaches the bottom and walks over to a chalkboard we also found and makes another tally, I think she's counting how many laps she's done. A can rolls over and hits her ankle and I look over to see Sammy holding an ice cream scoop as she apologizes to Yaz.

"It's cool." Yaz reassures her as she sits down next to Darius. I look around, smiling at my small group of friends and feeling somewhat proud that we are still alive. I turn around and lean against our makeshift railing, looking out at what could be a beautiful view of the forest if I didn't know about the potential death lurking around out there. It was almost peaceful for a minute before a loud thump came from behind me. I turn to see an empty water jug on the floor followed by Kenji, "No mas agua. A little help."

"I gotcha Kenj." Darius says, setting down his book and moving to pick up the empty jug.

"If you keep doing that for him, he'll never learn to do it for himself." Yaz comments to Darius, but he just shrugs and goes down the slide with the jug in his lap. I watch him walk in the direction of the river before deciding to relax on my bed for a bit. Just as I sit down though, I hear Darius call for us, sounding alarmed. Sighing, I decide to wake up Brooklynn before heading down.

"Hey" I shake her lightly, "It's already the afternoon and Darius needs to show us something." She mumbles something into her arms before sitting up and rubbing her eyes, looking slightly annoyed. I just give her a smile before following Sammy and Yaz down the ladder, Brooklynn not far behind me. We jog over to him, the river not being very far, and frown at the sight of the empty river.

"Uh, where'd the water go?" Sammy asks the question we're all thinking.

"How about we ask Mr. 45-Minute Shower?" Yaz retorts, motioning towards Kenji who had gotten dressed and joined us.

"Hey, looking good is part of my brand." Kenji defended before holding up his hands, "And no way I drained a whole river." Yaz rolls her eyes and I chuckle quietly before I notice the low humming sound again. I turn to see if Brooklynn heard it too, only to see she had jumped in the ditch but she quickly jumped and shushed everyone.

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