Chapter 24

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Jere suddenly appeared next to me in his stage outfit. He wore his signature black pants and his black leather jacket.

"You ready?" I asked with a smile as he hyped himself up.

"Born ready" He answered and I just chuckled.

Jere's intro started playing again and the crowd started to go crazy.

We were still standing at the backstage part so nobody could see him yet.

Then suddenly Jere grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, he passionately gave me a kiss.

It caught me off guard and tensed up at first but I quickly melted into his lips.

"I love kissing you" Jere said in a husky voice as he planted his lips on my neck.

Luckily no one was around and the music was loud because I accidentally let a moan escape from my mouth.

Jere made a noise of pleasure before letting go of me. We both had the biggest smiles on our faces and Jere started walking towards the stage.

It was his queue to go on.

I watched him run onto the stage and my smile couldn't be wiped off of my face anymore. I felt so happy.

The fans were screaming and seeing him jump around and hearing his voice over the speakers. It was still the best sight in this world.

His mesmerizing dance moves taking over the room once again.

He was now a couple songs in and I started to get more and more anxious about this 'surprise'.

Of course I started to overthink it and all sorts of things entered my mind.

But then suddenly I saw someone standing next to me, I quickly looked over... it was Ruby and behind her was Häärijä.

"Hey uhm" She began and I didn't make any eye contact with her.

"I'm sorry for what I said" She said and I was immediately surprised by her words.

"I shouldn't have said what I said" She continued and I still just stood there, not looking at her.

"I'm sure you're a very nice person" Ruby said and she kind of actually sounded genuine.

"So I would like to get to know you, if you want that too of course" She said and I just felt all sorts of emotions going through my body.

I decided to look over towards her but my eyes shifted towards Häärijä first for answers.

He mouthed 'it's okay' and that immediately made me feel at ease.

I honestly didn't really know what to say, but all I knew was that I would see her everyday for the upcoming couple weeks.

So I decided to forgive her, I mean what's the worst that could happen?

"I'd like that" Was all I said with a small smile on my face.

A smile grew on Ruby's face and something about it just felt fake. But I knew it was better to just ignore those thoughts.

I looked back over at Häärijä and a sweet smile was planted on his face. For some reason his presence reminded me of a little child in some way.

He was just always up for anything and had this child like smile planted on his face.

My gaze went back towards Jere and he was still going crazy on stage.

A big smile formed on my face again.

Every breath, every heartbeat - Käärijä Where stories live. Discover now