Chapter 2

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Jere slowly looked away and you could see him coming back to reality.

And so did I.

He shook his head as his next song started playing.

"He read your sign!" Chelsea suddenly screamed and shook me around in excitement.

All I could do was just smile and nod towards her as my eyes landed back onto Jere.

He walked around the stage and began to sing again. But you could see that he wasn't really attentive.

He seemed a little disoriented...

And well to be honest so was I.

I just kept watching him, hoping he would notice me again. For some reason I was craving the feeling his eyes had given me.

I couldn't really describe it, but all I knew was that it was something I had never experienced before.

The show just continued and Jere slowly seemed to be acting normal again. He didn't look at me again and well, it was probably for the better.

I was just enjoying the show as we all were and we continued singing along with his songs.

He stopped his show again and started talking in Finnish. He looked around the room as he was standing in front of me.

Then suddenly his eyes landed on something really close to me. My heart skipped a beat for a quick second.

It was the sign of Chelsea and Ivy.

He read the sign in Finnish and I could tell in his voice that he was excited.

He asked something and Ivy responded with something in Finnish. I assumed he was asking how old she was turning.

I was just smiling as I watched Jere talk and was just happy for the girls next to me.

But as he continued to talk with them, his eyes quickly drifted of towards me and before I knew it our eyes met.

It was only for a quick second and we both immediately looked away from each other.

My heart was basically in my throat at this point.

F*ck... why was he making me feel so goddamn nervous.

Jere continued to talk in Finnish and looked at the ground for a couple seconds. You could just tell that he was disoriented.

But before I knew it another song started playing and he continued on like nothing had happened.

I honestly started to feel a little bit confused, since I just didn't know what was happening.

You could tell the show was slowly coming towards an end and I really wasn't ready to see Jere go just yet.

He said something in Finnish and all I could understand was: Cha Cha Cha.

And that was all I needed to hear. The excitement flew through my whole body.

Jere had walked off stage and we all patiently waited for him to come back on again.

The intro started playing and we all started to scream as loud as we could. The smile on my face had never been this big.

And before I knew it, Jere had walked back on in his green bolero.

The screams filled the room and his piercing eyes scanned the crowd.

He stopped right in front of me and looked towards the left.

He slowly lifted his chin up which made his jawline very visible. I immediately felt the butterflies in my stomach doing a dance.

He put his hand up towards his face and ran it down his body.

My god was that sexy...

He slowly turned his head back towards the ground and slowly went through his knees.

And just when the lyrics began he quickly turned his head towards me and locked his husky eyes onto mine.

He sang the lyrics without breaking eye contact and I just stood there, completely frozen.

I couldn't move anymore and was just fixated on him.

The black makeup around his eyes made them look even more intimidating. I couldn't breath anymore.

But quickly he looked away again and just continued his song.

My whole body couldn't move anymore and my eyes couldn't look away from him.

His body moved to the music and his voice echoed throughout the room.

It was mesmerizing... everything about him was mesmerizing.

He suddenly jumped off the stage and walked up towards the barrier.

At first he walked towards the left and stood on the little step. I could see everybody touching him all over his body, it honestly made me feel a little bad for him.

But I also felt a little jealous... which I hated.

And then before I knew it he suddenly walked over towards where I was standing.

I thought he would just walk past me but he actually stopped right in front of me.

My body began to melt as he was just a couple centimeters away from me.

I carefully touched his bolero, not wanting to touch his body because it would just feel a little inappropriate.

He looked into the crowd and continued to sing, did he even know I was there?

But that question was very soon to be answered as he stepped down and stood right in front of me.

At first his eyes seemed to ignore me but before I knew it they slowly drifted towards mine.

His ocean blue eyes locked onto mine.

Suddenly his hand moved towards me and all I could do was just stare.

He softly placed the back of his fingers against my cheek and gave it a very soft stroke.

It felt as if electricity formed between our skin and my heart was beating like crazy.

He kept looking into my eyes and I into his.

He slowly backed away from me and as he walked away broke eye contact with me.

I followed him every move as I just stood there.

I couldn't move anymore and couldn't process what had just happened.

This felt way to surreal.

I didn't know if I wanted to scream, cry, pass out or run up into his arms.

All sorts of emotions were going through me that I had never felt before.

The song was coming to an end and he started to talk into the microphone again.

It seemed like he was thanking everyone for coming but it felt like I was in a different world at this point.

I had no idea what was going on anymore.

Jere said his goodbyes to everyone and slowly began walking off stage.

I followed him until he wasn't visible anymore.

The lights went back on and I was just left standing there... very confused.

What was happening?

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