Chapter 11

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I walked around my room as I completely panicked. I just got a notification... it was from Jere.

'Meet me at the club in a couple minutes? x'

All I could do was just stare at the 'x' at the end of the sentence. I had trouble breathing as I started looking through my luggage for something to wear.

What did the little 'x' even mean?

As I found something in my luggage that looked decent, my body just kept on filling with nerves.

I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. I gave myself a soft smile before heading out the door.

I left my room and couldn't believe that I was actually gonna meet up with Jere right now.

It all felt like a dream.

As I arrived downstairs it was only a short walk towards the club. You could tell that a lot of people were heading that way.

As I got closer towards the club I started scanning basically everywhere and looking at everyone. I was really anxious at this point.

But then suddenly my glance landed on a familiar set of eyes. A smile immediately formed on my face and so did there on his.

He waved towards me and I waved back at him. I slowly approached him as I made my way through all of the people.

"Hey" Jere's soft voice said as he couldn't stop smiling.

"Hey" I said in return and Jere slowly opened up his arms.

I just let myself walk into him and wrapped my arms around his body. His soft arms once again surrounding me.

The smile on my face grew as Jere softly squeezed me and rubbed my back with one of his hands.

Jere slowly released me from his hug and our eyes met again. They were sparkling from joy as I just got completely lost in them.

"You look beautiful" He suddenly said which caught me off guard. Immediately felt my cheeks getting hot and I looked down towards the ground.

"Thanks" Was all I got out and slowly looked back up at Jere. I could tell that he was enjoying this way too much.

"Shall we go then?" Jere said and I softly nodded with a smile.

"Ladies first" He said and moved his hands towards the entrance of the club.

"What a gentleman" I said jokingly and started walking. I heard Jere softly chuckle behind me, I basically melted at the sound.

As we walked inside I felt Jere's hand on my back. I tensed up a little at first but seemed to relax rather quickly.

He gently guided me through the crowd and for some reason I just felt very safe. His warm hand on my back reminded me of home in a strange way.

As we walked in we got greeted by a lot of colorful lights. Loud music was playing and all sorts of people were on the dance floor.

Jere gave me a soft glance in which I returned. Every time our eyes met we couldn't help but both smile.

He softly guided me towards a bar that was in the corner of the room. He let go off my back and as soon as he did, I already wanted him to touch me again.

I started looking around the club and just got completely mesmerized by everything.

"You like it?" Jere asked and leaned forwards so I could hear him over the loud music. The butterflies in my stomach did a little dance.

Every breath, every heartbeat - Käärijä Where stories live. Discover now