Bound By Blood.

337 19 1

Midoriya quickly settles in within the camp. He is shown to a hut made out of wood; it's for him to stay in. He walks in and sees that there isn't much; there's a small table made out of wood, a bed made out of hay, and other materials they found lying around. It's a very uninteresting room. He spends the rest of the day walking around the forest, collecting Moonstone in the deeper parts of the forest. Before he walks to 1A and sits around a campfire with them, everyone is quiet. They all wish for things to go back to the way they were. He sighs before making his back straight and clearing his voice.

Midoriya: "So...what has everyone been doing these past few months?"

Mina: "Surviving, but bearly."

Midoriya looks at Mina and nods.

Midoriya: "No one has anything interesting to share?"

Tokoyami: "No."

Midoriya: "Oh, well, I have something. I-"

Iida: "Midoriya, if you could not do this, we would all greatly appreciate it. We're not in the mood."

Midoriya: "Oh...s-sorry. I'm just trying to lighten the mood..."

Kirishima: "We know, man, but it''s not the time for that. Not when all of this is happening. Our city, our region, and our entire country are being overrun with villains."

Midoriya: "I feels like everything is falling apart."

Momo: "It somewhat is—for me at least. I recently lost my estate, fortune, and...mother."

Midoriya: "Oh...I'm sorry, Momo. I didn't mean to open that kind of wound."

Momo: "It's fine; I've... it''s happened. I just wish that things didn't turn out like this; that way, we wouldn't be living here."

Midoriya: " feels like we could've done our part to help."

Ururaka: "Yeah. It feels like if we stepped in at the Sports Festival..."

Midoriya: "You shouldn't have; you made the right choice. You would've gotten hurt and-"

Iida: "Made the right choice? We made the worst possible decision; hundreds died because we didn't help. We just stood there and watched as you fought for your life."

Midoriya: "That was my fault; if I hadn't been cocky and stupid, those people wouldn't have died. Their blood is...on my hands. If you had stepped in to help, you would've gotten hurt or died."

Iida: "That would have been a better option than letting hundreds of innocent people die! You're saying, As heroes in training, we shouldn't help."

Midoriya: "What? No, I didn't mean it like that; I'm just laying out what could have happened. I know I sound like one of the pros, but they're right. They're always right; if we had run in and decided to fight, that giant monster would have killed you all."

Iida: "It would have bought some time for them! We could have split into two teams, one to fight those monsters and another to help innocents get out! W-wait! You stood there, didn't you?"

Midoriya: "What?"

Iida: "You just stood there! You were monologing to yourself while that thing continued to kill! Nice job, Scamander."

Midoriya: "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Do you think I could've done something about that thing? It would've torn me in half!"

Iida: "That probably would've been better than having innocent lives taken. What kind of hero just stands there and watches?"

Midoriya: "I was...thinking! Okay? I was coming up with a plan, and they were winning! I needed some time to-"

Iida: "To what? Try to come up with an excuse as to why you ruined everything? What did you tell Nezu that convinced him to let you continue the hero course?"

Midoriya: "Look, Iida, I didn't want things to turn out the way they did, but it happened, and I take responsibility for what happened. So, how about we just let this go?"

Iida: "Let it go?! No! You're more villain than hero!"

Midoriya: "What?! After everything I've done, I'm the villain? Tenya, what is your problem? Why are you being such-"

Iida: "My brother was there! He was watching me, and he was killed! If you hadn't provoked that thing, he would still be alive!"

Midoriya: "...Iida, I...I'm sorry, I didn't-"

Iida: "Didn't what? Didn't mean for it to happen? But what? It happened? It did, because of you! You killed him!"

Iida runs towards Midoriya and grabs his shirt. He has a lust for revenge in his eyes, and he is very angry. Midoriya can't pretend to know what he's feeling; he can't imagine the pain he's in. What if Izuku similarly lost his sister? What would happen then? Would he react in the same way? Yes. He wouldn't rest until her killer was hanged. They deserve nothing but death. But would she want that? Midoriya looks at Iida and tries to muster up something to say, but he doesn't know what. Iida is right—completely right. Midoriya killed his brother, and Midoriya murdered all of those innocent people. It wasn't the weird monster thing; it was him. It was all his fault; it's always been his fault.

Iida: "Say something! Say something!"

Midoriya: "...I-"

Kirishima grabs Iida's shoulders and throws his back. Iida steps into the fire and yells in pain as he stumbles back and hits a log. The lens of his glasses cracks, and he looks at the wound, which is not very bad but still needs medical attention. He looks at Kirishima with rage. He tries to get up, but the pain is too much. He breathes heavily as he straightens his back on the log, pushes himself up, and sits on it.

Iida: "What the hell was that for?!"

Kirishima: "You need to calm down! You're being a really big asshole right now, and that is not what we need!"

Iida: "But Scamander! He-"

Kirishima: "We get it! He... whether he killed your brother or not is up to debate, but calm down. You're the smartest one here, Iida, and you know that this isn't going to make our situation any better. Please, just sit there and leave Scamander alone."

Iida: "Sit here while that murderer watches me sulk in weakness, no! If I know villains, and I do, you're nothing more than that, Scamander! You are the very definition of-"

Tokoyami: "Tenya, that is enough! Do you think that by doing this, you'll fix this situation? Fix what happened? We understand you are angry but now is not the time. Be quiet, please."

Iida grinds his teeth and looks at Midoriya.

Kirishima: "...Y'know, maybe we should lighten the mood and get away from whatever this is. What did everyone want to be before deciding to be a hero?"

Everyone is silent.

Mina: "I wanted to be a big movie star or a fashion designer..."

Momo: "My parents wanted me to become a lawyer but after a few arguments and talks with Nezu..."

Tokoyami: "I wanted to be an F1 driver. I almost made it before I got into an accident."

Asui: "What happened?"

Tokoyami: "The engine box was overheating, and my brakes went out. I was going two hundred-plus miles an hour, and I couldn't just stop. I spun out and hit a tree; it fell on the car."

Ururaka: "How old were you when that happened?"

Tokoyami: "Twelve."

Kirishima: "Twelve?! You were going to be an F1 driver at twelve? How does that... I mean, huh? How were you able to be on track for that at that age?"

Tokoyami: "I was lucky, I guess. It started with bumper cars, go-karts, and then joy rides. I was invited to a drag race, believe it or not, and I was good. And then all of that happened, and I ended up injuring another racer. It made me realize that what I was doing was a waste of time. I could be helping others rather than hurting them, so I stopped driving, and I studied and worked hard. I got into UA, and now I'm here."

Toru: "Tokoyami, that is so cool! I bet you would've been an amazing racer!"

Kirishima: "Yeah. Honestly, man, I wouldn't have left because of what happened if I were you. You would've been an amazing racer. But we're glad you're here."

Tokoyami: "Mmm. What about you, Asui? Ochako?"

Asui: "I never really thought about it. When I was younger, I thought my parents would take care of me my entire life."

Ochkao: "I think we all thought the same thing when we were younger. For me? I wanted to help my parents with their jobs; they were working multiple jobs, so I wanted to help...what about you, Scamander?"

She turns her head and sees that Midoriya is gone; he's disappeared. She looks around for him, but he's gone. Vanished. She slowly realizes why and becomes quiet; he's blaming himself after what Iida said. He thinks that he's at fault for what happened at the USJ, and he kind of is, but he had good intentions. She shakes her head as she asks Iida what he wanted to be when he was younger. He silently responds, saying that he's always wanted to be a hero. Midoriya sits on the edge of his bed and looks at the floor. Iida is right. It's his fault; why hasn't he been punished? Why hasn't he been reprimanded for what he's done? He killed all those people; he killed Iida's brother. It's all his fault; it's always been his fault. He's been cocky, stupid, and arrogant since the beginning, even before he met Newt. Everything is his fault.

"Aww, slick, you shouldn't tell yourself that."

Scamander: "What?"

He looks up and sees the other version.

Midoriya: "Don't tell yourself that, even though it's true. You gotta keep your head up and keep smiling. Right?"

Scamander: "You're back...makes sense. Why are you telling me this?"

Midoriya: "Because if you're sad, I'm sad. That was a lie. When you're sad, I'm at the very peak of my happiness. Tenya Iida is exactly why you should let me take control of things; I mean, he's pointing fingers at us. After what we've done? What did you do at the entrance exams, the USJ, and the Sports Festival? You saved people. Iida doesn't know what he's talking about."

Scamander: "I...I guess."

Midoriya: "What has he done? All he's ever done is command everyone and complain about how we should be taking things more seriously. That isn't very heroic, is it? He hasn't done anything heroic, has he? He's always sitting on the sidelines because he knows he can't compete with you."

Scamander: "But w-what about his brother? That was all my fault and-"

Midoriya: "Was it, though? Or was it his fault? You tried to fight, and he sat there looking at a metal brick. Yes, he couldn't have known it was real, but he could've done something. He could've caused a distraction or helped you, but he didn't. He's pinning his brother's death on you because he knows that it was his fault; he could've done something if he hadn't just stood there."

Scamander: "That's a...good point, I guess? I don't know; I don't know what to think right now..."

Midoriya: "Let me think for you then. Let me take your place; let me use your body so I can show Iida that he is wrong."

Scamander: "...No. I know what you're going to do. I know what you're doing! You're trying to manipulate me! You're trying to convince me to let you take control so you can be a villain! It's not going to work."

Midoriya grabs his shoulders.

Midoriya: "Slick, I just want the best for us. What kind of man doesn't go after the people who have neglected and abused him his entire life? Who can let that go?"

Scamander: " one can let that kind of stuff go, but what kind of man doesn't use that pain to help others? What kind of monster uses all of the pain to hurt others? Just to make them feel better? That's pathetic."

Midoriya grinds his teeth.

Midoriya: "That's how you're going to play this, then? Okay, fine. Don't accept my help. That's okay; that's fine, sure. You'll just continue to be used and stepped on; you'll continue to be a failure. You're nothing; you're the very definition of wasted space. You are a Deku."

Scamander punches Midoriya, and he stumbles backward before stopping. He groans in pain as he looks up at Scamander and touches his cheek. He has a smile that goes from ear to ear, and he has a silent laugh. He looks at Scamander; there's nothing in Midoriya's eyes. He's emotionless and empty. Nothing is there.

Midoriya: "I...I felt that. I felt that punch. I felt the pain inflicted upon me. It's working."

Scamander: "What? couldn't have felt that; all of this is just in my head..."

Midoriya: "I'm close to breaking free... I don't need your body; you're...making one for me. That can feel this."

Midoriya runs towards Scamander and tackles him; he starts to brutally attack him. Scamander kicks Midoriya off of him and throws him into the wall; he bounces off and slams his head into Scamander's. Scamander winces in pain as he grabs his forehead and backs away. He pulls out his wand and points it at Midoriya. Midoriya runs toward him again and hits him with a bone-breaking punch; it lands right under his ribs and hits his organs. Scamander's grip loosens, and Midoriya grabs it. He throws it over the bed and near the entrance before grabbing Scamander's hair. He brings him over to a wall, where he slams his head into it. He does this over and over and over again; blood splatters on the wall, and Scamander cries out in pain. He sends his elbow into Midoriya's face, and he lets go of his hair. Scamander punches Midoriya's jaw and kicks him toward the bed. He trips on one of the floorboards and falls. Scamander quickly walks over to him and tries to attack, but Midoriya grabs his jaw and slams Scamander back into the ground.

He lifts him and throws him into a wall. He hits his head with a thud and falls to the ground. He coughs up blood as he tries to focus on Midoriya, but he's gone; he can't see. He suddenly feels a hand grab his hair again and drag him towards a corner; he's dropped there, breathing heavily and waiting for his focus to come back. He sees Midoriya tearing up a large floorboard and walking toward him. Midoriya slams the floorboard into Scamander's head. He doesn't stop until it breaks into two. Midoriya grabs Scamander and pins him against the wall. He slaps him before laughing.

Midoriya: "You're nothing without magic; you couldn't win a fight against yourself! You're such a disappointment; no wonder Toshinori and Inko forgot us; you're weak!"

Scamander: "Shut...shut...shut up."

Midoriya: "You can bearly even form a sentence!"

Scamander: "Shut...up! I'll...get rid again! P-permanently!"

Midoriya: "Izuku, you see, the thing with us? We're bound by blood; we are the same. Hell, you're quite literally doing this to yourself. You can't get rid of me, not until you get rid of yourself. You should have listened to Kutskui; you should have killed yourself. That way, none of this would've happened. Look around you; you've lost everything. You've removed them from your life."

Scamander: "..."

Midoriya: "You left your mother and your father; you left Itzuka for dead; and your heroic status! All was ruined because of what you did at the Sports Festival! You destroyed everything."

Scamander: "Not...true!"

Midoriya: "Oh, it's very true. I think that it's time I get rid of one final tie."

He drops Scamander and slowly walks over to his wand. He picks it up and taunts him. He slowly walks over to the entrance. He sees 1A talking and spending time around the fire. He smiles at Scamander before pointing his wand at them. Scamander yells out as Midoriya casts a curse, but nothing happens. Midoriya hears a voice call out to him.

Ururaka: "Izuku?"

They both look at Ururaka. Scamander quickly gets up and watches as Midoriya fades into existence. The other version of him has vanished once more. The original Midoriya slowly gets up.

Midoriya: "Huh...? Ururaka...?"

Ururaka: "Is everything alright...? There's a bunch of blood on the wall over there, and you're...are you okay, Izuku?"

Midoriya: "Fine, I'm fine..."

He groans in pain as he falls to his knees. Ururaka quickly approaches him and helps him up. She makes him sit down on the edge of his bed, and she looks at the bruises and cuts on his face. He's bleeding from his forehead, the side of his jaw is bruised, and his eyes are starting to turn purple. She quickly leaves and grabs some medical supplies, such as gauze and disinfectant. Midoriya waits patiently.

Hisashi: "What the hell was that?"

Midoriya: "Nothing, nothing..."

Nana: "That wasn't just nothing; you were being attacked. Was it...?"

Midoriya: "It's nothing...forget about it."

Hisashi: "We can't just forget about this...he might be coming back, getting stronger from the looks of it. We should probably go back to Newt for..."

Midoriya: "No! Forget it! Please, just forget what's not that big of a deal."

Nana: "Not that big of a deal? Izuku, look at you. He almost killed you. This is a huge deal; you're dealing with forces you can't comprehend."

Midoriya: "Just forget about it, okay?! Forget about it! Nothing happened! Nothing ever happened?!"

Hisashi: "What did he tell you...? That you're worthless, Izuku; you're not-"

Ururaka: "I'm back; I have everything. Don't move."

Ururaka starts to disinfect some of the wounds. Midoriya stares at the floor. He sees drops of blood. How could he have been beaten so easily? By a hallucination? It was never able to attack him before, so why now?

Ururaka: "What happened?"

Midoriya: "I tripped and fell and hit my head and...

Ururaka: "Don't lie to me; what happened?"

Midoriya: "'s a... side effect of my quirk. Whenever I use it for a long period or exert myself, it creates an evil personification of myself... I was hallucinating..."

Ururaka: "This isn't like undiagnosed schizophrenia, is it?"

Midoriya: "No,'s what I just explained...sorry to worry you."

Ururaka: "It's fine; just don't...don't hurt yourself like this. I don't like seeing you in this kind of state."

Midoriya: "You? Specifically?"

Ururaka: "I, didn't mean it like that! I meant it as...just keep yourself safe! Don't hurt yourself, okay?"

Midoriya: "Okay, okay...thanks for this."

Ururaka: "No problem... I know we didn't know each other that well at UA, and we don't necessarily know each other now, but I know I can say that you're a good guy, Izuku...from the times we've interacted and all the things you've done, you shouldn't listen to Iida."

Midoriya: "You think...he caused this?"

Ururaka: "Yeah, after what he told you, I thought that you were having a mental breakdown or something; I don't know..."

Midoriya: "Oh, well...thanks for worrying about me."

Ururaka: "Yeah...hey, do you wanna do something tomorrow? Like, come patrol with me? I'm starting to get worried because my quirk isn't all that strong, and if I get into a fight..."

Midoriya: "Really? You want me to come?"

Ururaka: "Sure...why not?"

Midoriya: "Thanks for inviting me..."

Ururaka: "No problem...there, we're done."

They look at each other before becoming flustered and looking away. Midoriya hasn't felt this way in a while. He hasn't felt like this ever since he was Kendo; Ururaka has never felt this emotion before. Midoriya covers his face as he thinks about Kendo and Ururaka. He got her killed, but he can protect Ururaka. He can protect her from the villains. He can't fix his mistake. He shakes his head.

Ururaka: "Well, I...uh, s-see you later!"

Midoriya: "Yeah! B-bye! Good night!"

She quickly leaves, and Midoriya lies down on his bed with his hands covering his face. That didn't go well. He technically has a date with her now, but he kind of regrets coming here. The other version of him would have never appeared if he wasn't here; he wouldn't have had that argument with Iida if he wasn't here; he would be happy if he wasn't here, but he's here. He starts to cry as he realizes that everything he's done was a mistake. He shouldn't have gone to the entrance exams, went to UA, used the Curses, participated in the Sports Festival, and left home. He shouldn't have met Newt. All of this was a mistake; he should've just stayed there with the Yagi family and prepared himself for death. Its cold embrace would probably be better than being here. Oh, the stupid decisions he's made. The other version of him was right; he is the very definition of a mistake. He should have never been born; that way, he wouldn't have hurt anyone. He sobs and sobs.

Nana and Hisashi try to talk to him, but he ignores them or drowns out their voices with his cries. He misses how things were. He misses Newt, his mother, and Izumi. He misses Kendo. Where did it all go so wrong?


Kendo groans out of pain as she's thrown into a wall. She tries to stand up but is quickly grabbed and thrown into another wall. She breathes heavily and watches as her spit and blood drip down from her face. This hurts, but it isn't as bad as being whipped. Suddenly, she hears a door open. Someone walks towards her and kneels.

Shoka: "You guys can go. I'll deal with her."

Two villains exit the room. Shoka puts Kendo up against a wall and pulls something out of her pocket. It's a sandwich wrapped in a plastic bag, alongside a bottle of water. Kendo grabs it and slowly opens the bag. She grabs the sandwich and starts to eat.

Shoka: "They didn't beat you that bad, did they?"

Kendo: "Can't you see my face...? I look horrible; they messed me up again..."

Shoka: "You don't look bad; I think you still look good."

Kendo: "Sure..."

Shoka: "I bet your boyfriend, if you have one, would feel the same. You don't look bad; he'd still be willing to be with you."


Kendo: "Yeah...maybe. If I had one..."

Shoka: "Have you had one?"

Kendo: "Used to...I dated Izuku Scamander for a while before he and I broke was messy, and I think I was more at fault than he was."

Shoka: "Maybe. Look, I found something that I need to talk to you about. It's a video... I was going through some old footage on my phone when I saw some deleted footage. It was from Izumi's phone; her phone is linked to mine for some reason, knew."

Kendo: "Knew what...?"

Shoka: "Knew everything. You knew that Izuku Scamander was actually...Izuku Yagi."

Kendo: "I...what? No, I-"

Shoka: "Don't worry, I'm not going to hold it against you or anything; I just want to know...did you love him?"

Kendo: "What?"

Shoka: "Did you love him? It seems like you and him were close, and he genuinely seemed happy with you. Did you love him, or were you just using him for whatever reason?"

Kendo: "I...of course I...why are you asking?"

Shoka: "Because I want to know if Izuku is happy or not. He deserves to be happy after everything I've done to him. After everything that's happened to him, he deserves to be happy, and I want to see that resonate with him."

Kendo: "...Well, yeah, he was happy. Very happy. It seemed like he had been a normal kid his entire life...he didn't show any signs of trauma or stuff like that...he was very, very happy, and I think that I...made him happier during the time we spent together..."

Shoka: "Good, good. I'm glad that he's experienced that. I'm not going to ask about him anymore, but I need something to give the villains."

Kendo: "Oh, yeah, yeah. Before I tell you anything, I just want to let you know... Izuku hates you. He despises you. He doesn't want to have anything to do with you. He hates you more than anything else in the world..."

Shoka: "I know, and I...can live with that."

Kendo: "Sure..."

Kendo gives Shoka fake information before standing outside the exit, waiting for the door to open.

Shoka: "If, by tomorrow, you aren't dead, I'll drag you out of here and kill you myself."

She winks, the door opens, and she exits. Kendo is taken aback; why would Shoka say that? Suddenly, she realizes that by tomorrow, if she isn't dead, then Shoka will drag her out of her prison. Hopefully, that's what she's interpreting. She's somewhat excited; she can see the city again, and she'll be able to eat normal food again. There's also Izuku. She kind of hopes she doesn't see him again.


Midoriya wakes up with a sore neck. The punches he took yesterday did a number on him. He grabs some clothes, heads to the waterfall, and heads back. He sees Ururaka, and he walks over to her.

Midoriya: "Hey. When are we patrolling?"

Ururaka: "Oh! H-hey! scared me. We're patrolling later this afternoon, but you need a hero costume. Our support hero, Mei, can help you. She's over there, in that little tent. Give her a quirky design, and she'll be able to make it. She's amazing."

Midoriya walks over to the little tent.

Midoriya: "Hello?"

He feels a hand grab his shoulder. He turns his head and sees a girl with soft, pink hair. Her eyes have a golden warmth to them, and she has a nice smile on her face. Midoriya is a sucker for girls with clean sneakers and a cute smile.

Mei: "Hey! What'chu need?"

Midoriya: "Mei, right?"

Mei: "Yep! Who are you?"

Midoriya: "I'm Izuku, Izuku Scamander."

Mei: "Oh, yeah! You're the kid who was amazing at the Sports Festival! You're also the one who attacked those villains, right? That was sick!"

Midoriya: "Yeah, I guess..."

Mei: "I wanted to partner up with you during another activity, but I missed my chance. What's your quirk? Do you need a gadget? Maybe you've grown out of your hero costume?"

Midoriya: "I never got a hero costume; I turned in my design late, and then UA shut down..."

Mei: "So you need me to make you one, gotcha. You got a design in mind?"

Midoriya: "No, I don't..."

Mei: "It makes my job a little more challenging, which is nice. Summarize your quirk in one word."

Midoriya: "Magic?"

Mei: " it, okay. Come back in an hour."

Midoriya: "Wait, I don't need to do anything else or..."

Mei: "I've seen you in action, Scamander; I know what your quirk is all about. You'll love it, trust me! Come back in an hour!"

Midoriya: "Okay, okay..."

Midoriya returns to his hut and sits on his bed. A small piece of straw stings his bottom. He can't live like this anymore; he can't live in these conditions. The bed is uncomfortable, the room is small, it gets too hot or cold at night, and he can't take it anymore. He pulls out his wand and transfigures a small wooden door into the wall. He opens it and walks through; it leads to an infinite empty void. It reminds him of Newt's suitcase.

Hisashi: "Ah, yes. Another white void."

Nana: "What do you plan on doing?"

Midoriya is silent; he doesn't respond. He needs to focus; he closes his eyes and starts to breathe slowly. He focuses on what he wants. He sways his wand around as he hears things arise from the ground, form around him, and fly above him. He finishes and opens his eyes. He looks in wonder at his creation. A majestic marble archway, adorned with intricate carvings, welcomes Izuku. The floor is polished marble with subtle, elegant patterns. Crystal sconces along the walls provide soft, warm lighting. A grand double door leads to the main area.

He notices that multiple floors are accessible via a grand spiral staircase with an ornate wrought-iron balustrade. He walks up the staircase, exploring the multiple rooms. Crystal chandeliers hang from the high, domed ceiling, casting a soft, golden glow. Plush, deep-red velvet curtains frame tall windows, offering a view of a beautifully landscaped garden. Classical statues and paintings by renowned artists adorn the walls. Comfortable seating areas with plush, deep-purple velvet sofas and armchairs. A grand piano sits in one corner, waiting for a talented pianist to play. An adjacent room features a long, polished wooden table with gold accents. High-backed, upholstered chairs surround the table. Crystal glassware and fine china are displayed in cabinets along the walls. An enormous, ornate mirror reflects the room's beauty. A cozy, wood-paneled library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. Leather-bound books, some centuries old, line the shelves. Soft leather armchairs and reading lamps invite you to lose yourself in a good book.

A luxurious bedroom with a king-sized four-poster bed, draped in rich fabrics. Soft silk sheets and plush pillows promise a restful night's sleep. A marble fireplace adds warmth and charm. A walk-in closet with a selection of elegant attire. A spa-like bathroom with a deep-soaking tub and a separate rainforest shower. Marble countertops with gold fixtures and intricate tilework. Soft, fluffy towels and high-end toiletries. This classical elegance-themed room offers a timeless and luxurious atmosphere, perfect for various purposes, from hosting grand events to simply enjoying a moment of relaxation and comfort. He has a sudden idea and sways his wand around again. Books come to life, and they start to soar around the library and down the staircase. He also suddenly hears the piano playing.

He follows the books and sees brooms and mops cleaning the marble floors; vines and branches fly down from above. He looks up and sees a large, circular glass window, tinted white, covered in vegetation. He hears more musical instruments play from floors above him; he also hears instruments such as harps, pianos, and flutes nearby. He tries to smile, but he can't even muster a smirk. He should be proud of his creation, proud of all of this, but he isn't. He doesn't feel happy; he mostly feels sad for whatever reason. He doesn't exactly know why. He takes a seat at the large dining room table; there are multiple, all of them on separate floors, but he likes the one closest to him. For whatever reason, it brings him some kind of warmth.

Hisashi: "Izuku! This is crazy! Look at this! How did you do this?"

Nana: "I have a feeling it has something to do with what you picked out earlier in the forest."

Midoriya: "Yeah, Moonstone. I've been collecting some, and...I used it to make this."

Nana: "Why specifically this?"

Midoriya: "I'm not sure... I want to say that it represents everything I've ever wanted, but if that were the case, I would have a room dedicated to heroes and stuff like was random...I guess."

Nana: "If only Newt could see this."

Midoriya: "Yeah..."

Hisashi: "Are you okay?"

Midoriya: "I...yeah, just feelings a little weird...nothing to worry, let me do this for you."

Midoriya uses his remaining Moonstone to make a small projector and cart-like railway that's connected behind the stairs. Midoriya puts his wand against the temple of his head and drags Nana and Hisashi out. He sends them into the projector.

Nana: "Thank you; I always enjoy being able to move around."

Hisashi: "Same. What's with the railway connected to the stairs?"

Midoriya: "It's so you can follow me while we explore. I don't know what else this place has in store. Come on."

He connects the projector to the railway. He starts to walk up the spiral staircase while it follows him. They spent the next hour exploring. They find a large storage room, a greenery room filled with vegetation and life, a kitchen with silverware floating around preparing food, multiple bedrooms and libraries, an observatory tower with a large telescope that looks out at the stars, and a nicely decorated ballroom. The light is dim, curtains block the light, and a guitar can be heard playing a sorrowful, mellow song. Midoriya resonates with this room. He sits down on the wooden maple floor and watches as the guitar magically plays itself.

Midoriya: "Did Dad ever explain why he showed me his phoenix...? Did he ever explain why he decided to share his secret with me...? Did he explain why he decided to take me in...?"

Nana: "No, I don't think he ever did."

Midoriya: "Why do you think he did that...?"

Hisashi: "He either saw something in you or...he felt bad. He decided to try and help an upset child but instead was given something that made him pity you even more...I don't know."

Nana: "I agree. He probably felt bad for you and took a risk when he shared his secret."

Midoriya: "That's how I've gotten this far in life...he felt bad."

Nana: "I wouldn't say were just at the right place at the right time, and he's been taking care of you ever since. He cares about you; you shouldn't say something like that..."

Hisashi: "Are you sure you're okay, Izuku? You've been acting a little strange..."

Midoriya doesn't respond. He feels weak again. The same kind of weakness he felt when he was with the Yagis. He hates it. He doesn't want to feel this way, but with the way things have been going for him, it seems that this feeling is going to stay with him. He breaks down and cries; they are right. Everything has been his fault; he's worthless, and he shouldn't be here. He wishes things were as they were before. He wishes that he lived with the Yagis and didn't have to deal with any of this. He wishes that he didn't have to deal with this heartbreak, grief, guilt, and sorrow. He knows he sounds like a spoiled brat, and he probably is. He hates himself. He deserves everything that is coming to him. If only things could go back to the way they were.

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