Finally Normal.

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Midoriya enters the main UA building and makes his way to class 1A, his homeroom, he slowly opens the door and sees Izumi and her gang. He thinks about how lucky he is sometimes.

Izumi: "Whoa...that kid looks just like me, and like Izuku!"

Shoko: "But he had blonde hair and dark eyes. He's like the complete opposite."

Kutskui: "Doesn't matter, I'm still the best and strongest in the class."

Aizawa: "You five and Izuku, over here, now."

They all quickly rush towards Aizawa.

Aizawa: "Izumi, this is Izuku Scamander, he is not your brother and he knows nothing about your brother. He is a witness to what you and your friends did to him, Nezu had issued a restraining order on you all, if you are more than six feet within his vicinity, you are to be kicked out of UA, and there will be exceptions, though. If you're stuck in a group activity, and we can't switch you out for a different group, you will just have to suck it up, understand?"

Izumi: "Yes sir..."

Midoriya: "Yes, I understand..."

Aizawa: "If you have anything to say to each other, say it now."

Izumi: " you know where my brother is?"

Aizawa: "Oh my god...I just said he knows nothing about him."

Midoriya: "No, I don't know anything about your brother. Please, don't ever talk to me. Thanks."

Aizawa: "Alright, go sit down in seats far away from each other. All of you."

Midoriya sits all the in the back, next to a corner, and waits for everyone else. He lays his head on the desk and starts to daydream, thinking about all the things he could do with magic and what he'll do once leaves UA and becomes an adult. He daydreams for a while before a piece of paper lands in between his eyes destroying his train of thought.

He grabs it and looks around, he sees a girl with orange hair looking away in a different direction, also waiting for class to start. He opens the crumpled piece of paper and reads what it says.

"Hi! This is from Itzuka Kendo, the girl sitting next to you, I just wanted to say thanks for saving me from that giant robot during the entrance exams, it means a lot! Also, believe it or not, I'm a witch!"

Midoriya is surprised, not only because a girl sent him a note that didn't tell him to end his life, but thanked him for what he did. He doesn't know what to think about it, he becomes flustered and decides to write his own note back. Once he finishes it, he throws it and it lands in her hair, he quickly turns to the wall next to him.

"Hi, Kendo! I'm Izuku Scamander. Thanks for sending me that note, it's the first one I've ever gotten, and it's also cool meeting someone else with magical powers. How come you didn't use it to get yourself unstuck from the debris? Also, I'd saved you anytime!"

He waits and taps his finger on his desk, a note lands in his hair and he picks it out.

"Wow, you must've been unpopular for this to be your first note, it's interesting meeting another person with the same secret as you, it's a big relief. I didn't use magic to get myself unstuck because I had left it at home and was too weak to use my quirk. How far are you into your magical studies?

You're also kinda flirty...I like it."

Flirty?! How did she get that from his previous note? Was it the thing he said about him saving her? She must've interpreted it wrong. She also has a quirk and magical abilities? That's new. He writes another note and throws it in her line of view.

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