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After two months, the library gets a letter from UA for Izuku Scamander, Midoriya is able to quickly pick it up after one of the staff members tells him about it. He rushes back to the suitcase and tells Newt.

Midoriya: "Newt! I got it! It's here!"

Newt, who is helping his Niffler, turns around and looks at Izuku with a smile, he sets his Niffler down and walks over to him

Newt: "Well, open it! And just so you know, if you didn't get accepted, there are other things you can do...!"

Midoriya: "Let's hope I got in."

He opens the letter and grabs the little disc inside. He sets it down on the floor and a projected video starts to play. It's All Might.

All Might: "Hello Izuku Scamander! Before we reveal your acceptance or rejection, we would just like to thank you for your heroic actions, if it weren't for you, UA would've been in a lot of legal trouble...but what you did was incredibly heroic and brave! Because of that alone, you have been accepted into UA!"

Midoriya: "I did it! I got in!"

Newt: "This is great! Congratulations!"

All Might: "If you didn't do what you did, your written and physical tests would've got you into UA! Almost a perfect one hundred percent on the written test and over six hundred points! You have beaten my record and set a new one!"

Midoriya: "No way!"

All Might: "Because of this, you will be put into honorary classes with normal hero classes, so you can go beyond your full potential! Everything you've done has gotten the attention of principal Nezu, he would like to talk to you today at three thirty PM sharp! Please bring your parents or guardian. We understand if you can't come today and we can always reschedule, see you on the campus!"

Newt: "Why would they want me to come...? Also, who's this in the picture?"

Midoriya: "That's All Might, he's the number one and everyone's idol! The only thing that bugs me is that he kinda looks like Toshinori..."

Newt: "Hmm...well, you should probably go...and talk to the principal."

Midoriya: "You have to come."

Newt: "What if they need verification...? Or they go through files and realize I'm not your actual foster parent...?"

Midoriya: "We'll just say that it's an error and that you didn't bring any verification. This sounds important, we need to go!"

Newt: "Okay...fine, but this might end badly...I don't have a good feeling about this...bring your wand."

Newt and Izuku grab their wands and exit the suitcase, Newt closes it and brings it along with him. They decided to walk so they can talk about what they might be talking about with the principal.

Newt: "I think the headmaster might know about your secret...and we might have to reveal it."

Midoriya: "I think so too, but I think we can convince him to keep it a secret, and if other heros are there, I think we can convince them too. For some reason, they visited my house a lot and I got to know them personally...even the principal..."

Newt: "If you knew them well, why didn't you go to them for help?"

Midoriya: "I know they would treat me the same way, and everything would be's a risk I don't wanna take..."

Newt: "Oh, okay...the headmaster, what is he like? He must be very intelligent to handle a school like this."

Midoriya: "I don't really remember, he's short and he's a talking animal...a mouse I think, but he is very smart."

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