No Trace.

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Midoriya makes his way back to the library and starts to look for the suitcase, he finds it and opens it, only to see basic clothes, a water bottle, and a stopwatch. He closes the suitcase and reopens it, and the same thing happens. He decides to knock on the suitcase and see if anything happens. A few seconds later, the case opens and Newt pops out.

Newt: "Oh, you're a bit early, aren't you?"

Midoriya: "Sorry Newt, but I need a place to stay...something came up."

Newt: "Oh, I see...yes, come in."

Midoriya enters the suitcase and closes it on the way down, he explains what happened and what he found. Newt knew it.

Newt: "I'm sorry this is all happening to you and that you found out like this, I swear on my life that I will treat you better than they did, better than anyone will."

Midoriya: "Thank you, Newt."

Newt: "But those documents, the pages are ripped and you don't have the other pieces, do you?"

Midoriya: "No, I think they might still be in the attic, where I found them."

Newt: "If you want to read what else these papers say, then you'll need those other pieces of paper, then I'll be able to cast a repairing spell and fix these pages."

Midoriya: "I think I found out all I need to would be nice to know who my actual parents were though..."

With the Yagi family, everyone starts to panic. Izuku is missing and they have no idea where he is, he knows what Inko and All Might did and this could ruin their careers. Izumi is worried about her brother and remembers why she started to bully him.

Izumi: "He's quirkless!"

Shoto: "What? No way..."

Izumi: "I don't know why I got a quirk and he didn't but I'm scared for him, he still wants to be a hero!"

Katskui: "He's going to get himself killed!"

Izumi: "I know! What do we do?"

The Bakugo twins came up with the idea to bully Midoriya to show him how dangerous the world is. Even though they were four years old, they thought this was a serious matter and that they knew what the real world was like.

Izumi: "Dad, I think we have to tell Uncle Nezu and Aizawa."

All Might: "No, we cannot let them know, if they find out, our careers could be over."

Izumi: "Is that all you care about?! Your careers?!"

All Might: "Of course not, they are less important than Izuku but if we say he just disappeared for some reason..."

Izumi: "No! I'm calling them!"

All Might: "Izumi, no!"

She uses her quirk to levitate in the air to get away from her father, she calls Aizawa and tells him about everything, from him being quirkless, to them bullying him, his parents neglecting him, and him running away. In a few minutes, Aizawa, Nezu, and other heros are at the Yagi house.

Aizawa: "All Might! Is what Izumi told me true? You neglected him for being quirkless?!"

All Might: "What...? Of course not! She's just overreacting...!"

Aizawa: "Stop lying!"

All Might: "Okay, fine! Yes! It's true."

Nezu: "Okay, everyone inside the house."

Everyone is pushed inside the small house and huddled around the table while Nezu, Aizawa, All Might, Izumi, and Inko sit down.

Nezu: "Okay, let me get this straight, you, Izuku's parents, neglected him for eleven years of his life because he was quirkless and because he was bullying Izumi, which is a lie?"

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