Move On.

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Izumi is currently watching over Bakugo in a dark room with small amounts of light peering through the windows and closed doors. He's lying in an old, dirty bed that's too small for him. She's sitting in a chair close to him. She has her hand in his hair, thinking about what happened at the USJ. Izuku just went crazy and almost killed Bakugo and her father,  and he got her father arrested. Now everyone is on the run, the police found out that everyone removed their ankle monitors and left. Kutsmui walks in.

Kutsumi: " is he doing?"

Izumi: "I have no idea...he's breathing but I think he's still in pain. He's twitching and moving a lot."

Kutsumi shakes her head and sits down next to Izumi.

Kutsumi: "So, I don't think this is how you expected our future to go. Our dreams and goals were crushed and taken away."

Izumi: "We deserve it. You know that, right?"

Kutsumi: "Yeah, of course, I know that. What we did to Izuku and what you're parents did. We deserve this. I'm just saying that our lives completely changed trajectory."

Izumi: "Maybe it was supposed to...God, I still can't believe that he's dead. Where was he? How was able to hide this long?"

Kutsumi: "I wish I could ask him that...oh, yeah, you still have your phone in Scamander's room? Right?"

Izumi: "Yeah, why?"

Kutsumi: "Maybe we could use that to find some dirt on him and screw him over."

Izumi: "Our lives are already screwed, why would we want to ruin his?"

Kutsumi: "What else do we have to lose? Eventually, they'll catch up to us and we'll be thrown into jail. We probably will never see each other ever again, we're going to be treated like trash and we're going to die in there, so why not do this for your Dad and Kutskui?"

Izumi is hesitant about it, but she's right. They're never going to step out of prison ever again, they'll live like Izuku and they'll probably die before they get out.

Izumi: "Okay, fine. We'll check out whatever my phone recorded and we'll get him kicked out of UA or something."

Kutsumi: "Come on, kicked out? That's all?"

Izumi: "What do you want to do to him?"

Kutsumi: "I want him dead, but just-"

Izumi: "Are you insane?! Kill him?! Why?! How could we even-"

Kutsumi: "Just listen to me! He needs to die because he almost killed your Dad and Kutskui, and because if we want to find Izuku, we need to get rid of the biggest threat there."

Izumi: "What? No! Are-Are you serious?! Izuku is dead, he killed himself! The only reason we're working with the League is because my Dad can't get over his death!"

Kutsumi: "After everything we did to Izuku? He can't be dead, he has to be alive, living somewhere here, hiding from us."

Izumi: "If he's hiding from us, then he doesn't want to be found. Just accept it, he's dead."

Kutsumi: "No! I won't accept it! He-He was my best friend and-"

Izumi: "Best friend? What? You bullied him for eleven years of his life, so much so, that he killed himself! He jumped off a building and hit the floor, he died!"

Kutsumi: "How do you know it wasn't a cover-up? They could be hiding him from us, and these villains can help!"

Izumi: "Are you listening to yourself? Working with villains to find someone that is gone?"

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