꧁Chapter three꧂

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(The necklace above is her locket her brother Kayden gifted her.)

The next morning came, and Dextian was already awake. He was brewing coffee, for both him and Addison, who was still asleep on her bed. He slept on the couch that was opposite the kitchen. It wasn't that long, but it was wider than a normal couch, so he made it work.

He set her cup of coffee on the counter, not knowing how she tends to drink coffee, or if she even does. He drank his coffee, black with one packet of sugar. No creamer or more packets of sugar.

His hair was tossed around, and his muscles were flexing as he leaned against her kitchen countertop. He suddenly heard tossing and turning coming from Addison's bed, and he walked to the hallway entrance.

She was having a nightmare. And a bad one.

Dextian set his cup down on her desk and went over to the side of the bed that Addison was closest to, and he sat down beside her right about where her waist was laying. "Addison, wake up." He tried to convey to her, but she was do deep in her nightmare to hear him. He gently shook her by the shoulder, but her reflex was to hit something, which he saw coming and he grabbed her wrist in a reflex motion. Keeping her from hitting him. She tried to hit something in her sleep with the other hand which he caught as well. "Addison, wake up!" He slightly shouted, and her eyes jolted open.

She began to breathe heavy as she was trying to gather herself. "What happened? Did I try to hit you? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to to do that." Addison rambles as Dextian just shakes his head and shushes her softly, gradually quieting her.

"You don't need to apologize Addison. You were having a nightmare. Everyone has them." Dextian adds as he lets go of her wrists as she sits up, brushing her hand through her hair catching her breath. "Do you want to talk about it? You don't have to if you don't want to."

"If your here long enough, maybe I'll tell you the reason why one day. Right now, I need some coffee and to get started on some work. But thank you for waking me up from my nightmare." Addison replies to him being reasonable and truthful.

"Coffee is on the counter. I didn't add anything to it, considering I don't know what you like in it and I didn't know if you even liked it at all." Dextian says as he stands and grabs his cup from Addison's desk.

She yawns slightly as she stretches. "Thank you. Uhm, if you want a change of clothes for today, the bin is in my closet if you want to look through it." Addison replies as she gets up from her bed, fixing her hair in a messy bun as she walks to her kitchen.

Dextian, trying to control himself from looking at her as she walks away, goes to her closet and finds the bin of clothes and shoes she's talking about. Yes, he thought she was very attractive and sexy, but he was trying to make a good impression. Especially since she's been helping him since he just appeared in her dorm room at 2:00 am in the morning. He rummaged through the bin and found a light brown long sleeve sweater, black jeans and some black tennis shoes.

 He rummaged through the bin and found a light brown long sleeve sweater, black jeans and some black tennis shoes

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