꧁Chapter nine꧂

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Addison and Dextian walk to the correct building on campus, and Dextian grabs the door holding it open for Addison as she thanks him and walks into the main area. He follows after her and she goes down a hallway and a few steps later she's at the door. She opens the door and still sees students settling down into the seats and she sees her professor at her desk.

"Professor Winncaster? Hi, I have my designs for you." Addison says as she walks up to her professor's desk as she glances to Addison and smiles. Addi held out her sketch book to Mrs. Winncaster, and she takes it contently. Addison felt some slight confidence as the professor had her my book, and she skims through the pages.

"Thank you, Addison. I'll look through this after my class. Thank you for dropping this by." Professor Ashylin Winncaster spoke sweetly to Addison as she gladly nodded.

Addi glanced and turned to Dextian as she gestured for them to skedaddle. He nodded happily and followed after Addi.

"Lead the way, Miss Addi." Dextian replied as they got out into the hallway right as Professor Winncaster was starting her lesson to her class. Addison walked away from the door as it shut, leaving the class to lector about the topic they were discussing.

"Yeah, yeah." She mumbled softly as she led him back to the parking lot. Her little black Volkswagen beetle came to view, and she pulled out her keys and unlocked the car. She opened the driver door as Dextian opened the passenger door, and they both climb in as Addison starts the car by placing the key in the ignition. "Let's do this." Addi spoke softly as she took off her emergency brake and put the car in reverse, backing out of the parking spot, before putting her car in drive, and pulling out of the garage.

"Do you mind if I turn on the radio?" Dextian asks as Addi gets onto the main road. She glances over at him, and she smiles gently.

"I don't mind at all. Go ahead." Addi replied softly. Dextian reached his arm to the radio and pressed a station.

The song Hold My Horses by Madeline Edwards started playing from the radio while an Italian broadcaster introduced it. "There's a golden palomino. She lives in my mind. And she's tame for the most part. But I tell ya sometimes. When the clock and the cash get the best of me. Her ties come loose, and she breaks free." The song sings as the beat starts to pick up, and Addi subtly starts humming to it.

"This is a fitting song for where we're going." Dextian comments as he laughs slightly at the coincidence at the song. Addison chuckled too, noticing he was right.

"Yeah, I guess that is a random coincidence." Addi added as she gave Dextian a mere glance before focusing back on the road.

"I can't hold my horses. 'Cause I ain't that stable. And I know I oughta break 'em. But I haven't been able. To keep from kicking up the dust. Running over the canyon. I give in to the forces. 'Cause I can't hold my horses." The song subtly played in the background as Addi turned down the music.

"Tell me something about you, Dextian. Help me get to know you more." Addison spoke as she turned onto the exit ramp and on to the street she remembered.

"What would you like to know, Addi? I'm full of answers for you." Dextian asked her as he looked towards her, studying her features, memorizing every little detail about her. Because she fascinated him.

"Where are you from? We'll start easy and simple." Addi asks as she continues to drive the car. Her little bug passing a few cars as she was getting around the slow people that were driving on the Italy roads.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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