꧁Chapter two꧂

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The orb sat on her desk next to her vintage desk lamp that had a rustic shade over the bulb. Its stand was a dark metal, and some of the spaces had a bit of iron detailing. Addison finally closed her sketchbook after she finished on more drawing of a lion portrait with a few details in a vibrant teal color.

 Addison finally closed her sketchbook after she finished on more drawing of a lion portrait with a few details in a vibrant teal color

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She didn't really have the energy to do any more, like she anticipated she would. Addison exited her desk and walked to her bathroom, switching on the light fixtures above the mirror. She ran her hands through her hair on the top of her head. Addison gave a long-exhausted sigh as she grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste, starting to brush her teeth.

That night overtook the Italy skies, and she crawled into her bed across from the desk, waiting for the tiredness to overtake her. Once it did, she was sleeping soundly. Her thin comforter framed her figure that sat under it. Her head rested on a firm, but soft pillow supported by another pillow.

The orb rolls around on the desk by itself all the sudden till it falls, landing on the ground. Addison groans as she hears the noises but doesn't leave the bed. Unexpectedly, a small but abrupt explosion goes off, and Addison jumps awake.

As Addison looks up from where she's sitting on her bed, she sees a man appearing from smoke coming from him and partially from the floor, which came from the shell of the orb. The male has a perfectly toned tattooed body. There are tattoos of different types along his arms, on his hands, and all over his chest and torso. Definitely built and muscular structured frame, and abs that looked like they were carved from stainless steel itself; his hair was brown and slightly damp, and it was hanging in his face, barely covering his ocean-blue eyes. He was very tall, she estimated about 6'5-6'6. He looked about twenty-five years old. As her gaze traveled down further, she realized that he was naked, just downright completely naked. Her eyes widened slightly, and she quickly turned her head away and cleared her throat.

"Uhm, who are you? And how did you get in my apartment room?" She asks slightly in an awkward voice. She didn't know this man, but she wished she did in her head, considering everything about him was perfect. She honestly was speechless when she saw his appearance.

"I don't know. I just came out of this thing." The gentleman spoke as he picked up the shell of the orb in his firm, slightly callused tattooed hand, his touch being delicate as he picked up the body of the shards. "Who are you?" He asked her in a firm tone, seeing as he didn't know her either.

"I asked first." She retorted as she faced away from him, still too embarrassed to turn around. And frantic that her gaze would fall somewhere inappropriate. He exhaled a deep sigh and rolled his eyes.

"My name is Dextian Narjondo. And now it's your turn. It's only fair." He counters sarcastically to her, and she scoffs and rolls her own eyes.

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