꧁Chapter eight꧂

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The next few days had passed, and they got to know each other a little better. Addison was becoming slightly more comfortable with Dextian and vice versa. And she was feeling better about opening up to him. She gained more trust towards Dextian. Which evidently made them closer as friends.

The next day came, and Addison woke up first. Surprisingly. She sighs a small yawn, being thankful for the fact that she didn't wake from a nightmare again. It was actually a good dream this time. Which kind of confused Addison as to how she didn't have a bad dream throughout the night.

She sat up quietly and remembered it was a Monday. The day she needed to start her fashion project, one of them at least. Addison gave an exhausted sigh as she pulled back her covers, brushing her hand through her long blonde layered hair, getting it out of her face as Addi got up out of her bed, walking to her kitchen softly considering that Dextian was still asleep on the couch. She didn't want to wake him up.

Addi calmly started the coffee pot, brewing a good amount of a fresh pot for both her and Dextian. The smell of the crisp new coffee filled her apartment quarters with its lovely scent. The smell of warmth and freshness was a delight. She reached up to her mug cupboard and grabbed two cups for the coffee. One for her, one for Dextian. Addi poured the coffee into the mugs, fixing hers up the way she likes to have it, leaving Dextian's on the counter for him to make up when he awakes.

Addison takes a few sips of her coffee before gathering ingredients for a breakfast recipe, grabbing her mother's cookbook for her secret special pancake recipe. She turned the pages, coming across the one she was looking for. Fluffy chocolate chip pancakes. Addison's mom would make these for her and her brothers after school on Fridays and on the weekend mornings. Addi remembers them being so fluffy, almost like cotton candy or as fluffy as clouds, but light as a feather, and the chocolate chips melted in every bite she would take.

Addison opened the pantry door, grabbing the things she needs like flour, sugar, vanilla extract, chocolate chips of milk and dark chocolate, milk from the fridge, as well as a hashbrown mix. She saw the bacon on the second shelf and grabbed that as well, knowing that would be a good side along with the hashbrowns. Addi began cooking the hashbrowns and the bacon on the stove in separate pans. As that was cooking, she started mixing up the pancake batter, setting a black stone trey on the stove top, beginning to make the fluffy and light pancakes.

The bacon was finished up in roughly about 15-20 minutes, along with the hashbrowns. And at that amount of time, Addi heard a groan from Dextian over by the couch. She looks over to where he's sleeping, and she sees him starting to stir awake. He groans as he sits up, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them, he seemed rather exhausted. "Morning sleepy head. How was your rest?" Addi asks in a soft light tone of voice as she plates a few pancakes.

"It was refreshing. I'm surprised you woke up first. Normally I'm wake beforehand." Addison laughed at his comment a little. Dextian got off the couch, standing up fully, running his tattooed hand through his deep brown hair in a sexy morning way. It was kind of alluring to Addi. She blinked back to reality as she bullied herself in her head for the undeceivable thoughts running through it like a wildfire.

"I thought I'd make breakfast this time. It's my mom's famous chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and hashbrowns on the side. I hope you enjoy it." Addison explains as she hands Dextian a plate that has everything on it.

Dextian eyes scan the plate of breakfast, staring at it with astonishment and lust of hunger. Like it was heaven on a plate. To him in the High Kingdom, they don't have these types of cooks. Dextian  takes a bite of his pancakes as Addi gives a nervous glance. "Wow..." Dextian spoke as Addi's tension is still present.

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