Chapter 17

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A few weeks later

"Congratulations Y/N, you topped the exam this term." The teacher declared with a subtle smile. I got up from my seat and bowed slightly.

"Thank you sir."

"I hope you will keep this performance up."

"Yes sir." I smiled as I took the report card.

When I took my seat, Jungkook beamed from beside me.

"Mr. Jeon...."

Both of us looked up at the teacher.

"I see you are sitting beside Y/N. Instead of just sitting there smiling at her, why not learn something from her as well?"

Jungkook got up, but kept his gaze lowered. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

The teacher held up his report card.

"You have an alarmingly low marks in mathematics."

It was then that my eyebrows relaxed.

Jungkook had been too busy for the competition, and had almost neglected his studies. I remembered how he had whined about not being able to be good enough in mathematics just before the exam.

Jungkook had his head lowered and stayed silent.

"I appreciate your talent in Taekwondo, Mr. Jeon..." The teacher's tone was less stern. "But studies is a must for a student. No matter what you do, you cannot neglect that."

"I got it sir..." Jungkook said in a timid tone.

There was a deep sigh from the teacher.

"Miss Y/N..."

I tore my gaze from Jungkook and looked at him.

"I order you to tutor him from today. His score has to increase in the final exam."

I nodded immediately. "Got it sir."

"Sit down Mr. Jeon. Work hard from now onwards."

Jungkook bowed and took his seat back. 

When I looked at him, I almost gasped by the creepy smirk he was already giving me.

Gosh! Why is this guy so weird?


In the break after the class, I forcibly tore him away from chatting with Junseon and Seungmin in the Taekwondo room, and pulled him in the library. He whined and struggled like a five-year old, not wanting to study at all.

"Y/N! Let me have my lunch first." Was his first excuse.

I pushed a sandwich in his mouth to shut him up.

"Eat this, and open the notebook..."

I took out my own textbook and a pen, and started marking some sums.

"These are the important sums sir told us about today. Have you finished these?"

His puppy eyes directed towards me gave a clear answer.

"Then let's solve this. Ask me whenever you cannot do it."

I watched as he reluctantly pulled out his pen and looked over at his blank notebook, as if it was the most dreadful thing ever. I almost chuckled at his cute, pouty face when he was unable to solve the sums, but held it inside.

After barely a minute, he slammed his pen on the table and pulled on the cutest pouty face possible for him.

"Y/N.....I cannot do's so hard. Let's do it tomorrow okay?"

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