Chapter 16

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Fifteen minutes later, when I reached the principal's office, I was visibly trembling.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Jungkook reassured by holding my cold hands in his warm ones. "Do you want me to go in with you?"

I shook my head.

"It's okay. He would drive you out anyway. I need to face this alone."

"No..." He declared, making me look up at him. "You stood by my side during my hard times, I am not leaving you too. Isn't that what friends are for?"

I smiled even in that tensed state. No matter how hard I tried, my heart fluttered at those simple words.

I looked ahead, took a deep breath, and finally pushed the door of the office.

"May I come in sir?"

"Ah yes Miss Y/N."

I closed the door behind and slowly took a few steps forward.

He wastes no time and handed me an envelope.

"Read this."

I opened the paper making a great effort not to let my hands tremble.

To Principal

SOPA High School

Respected sir,

We, the parents of Lee Jiwoo, would like to inform that our daughter has been a victim of bullying by one of her classmates, Y/N. This incident has left our daughter traumatised to the point that she even refuses to go to school. 

We want you take necessary actions against the bully and arrange her rustication from school as soon as possible, in order to protect girls like our daughter from future harm....

I did not even bother to look anymore. My worst nightmares....which I had somehow been able to forget in the midst of the preparations for the competition, did come true at the end.

"This isn't the truth!" I cried out. "She was bullying me first."

"Miss Y/N....I want you to explain yourself." The man said calmly.

"Sir....I never did anything. I just sit in the corner and study, nothing else. That day we were supposed to choose our respective clubs and I had gone to join the science club. But Jiwoo refused to let me stay there and continued speaking nonsense. She even mocked me for being an orphan, so I was compelled to protect myself. Really sir, that's the whole story."

"You went to the science club first?"

I nodded in affirmation.

"I see."

"Sir, please don't drive me out. I....I really want to study."

I was almost moved to tears in front of him....yet again. He eyed me and pushed his glasses upwards slightly.

"Who told you I am driving you away from school?"

I stopped short.


"You are not going anywhere. Based on your academic records, you are an exemplary student. I can understand that you are telling the truth. So no need to be afraid. I will handle this matter myself, so that justice prevails."

I bowed gratefully.

"Thank you so much sir!"


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