Chapter 12 - Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw

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Jinx hurried to the Great Hall, knowing she was late and the Quidditch match was soon

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Jinx hurried to the Great Hall, knowing she was late and the Quidditch match was soon. She didn't realize that she bumped headfirst into Roger, who was coming out of the hall, adorned in his Ravenclaw Quidditch robes.

As Jinx and Roger collided near the entrance of the Great Hall, she quickly moved away from him, but for a brief moment, she felt the warmth of his arms as he reached out to steady her.

'Sorry," Jinx muttered quickly.

Roger, his blue Ravenclaw robes looking striking against his dark hair, caught her eye with a teasing smile. "No worries, Jinx. Just be careful you don't crash into me during the match. I might not be able to concentrate."

Jinx raised her eyebrows before grinning, "Just remember, Roger, when I'm flying circles around you, it's all in the spirit of the game."

Roger laughed. "We'll see about that, Jinx. May the best team win."

With a wave, they headed off to join their teammates, the competitive spirit of the Quidditch match already filling the air. Jinx caught the eye of her friends, who were all watching the encounter with squinted eyes. She made her way towards them, sitting down quickly and helping herself to some boiled egg and toast.

"So, Jinx, mind enlightening us about your little encounter with Roger this morning?" Fred asked, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm, buttering his toast quickly.

Jinx narrowed her eyes at Fred's tone, a flicker of annoyance dancing in her expression. "Oh, Fred, you're always the one to catch on to a bit of gossip. Are you trying to audition for the Daily Prophet's latest column or something?"

Fred grinned, not one to back down. "Well, Jinx, it's not every day our fellow teammate gets cozy with the competition. Just making sure my dear friend doesn't get too distracted from the game, you know."

"Is that what this is about, Fred? My focus on the game? Or are you secretly worried that I'll outshine you on the field?" Jinx responded, buttering her own toast quickly.

Fred raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Jinx, no one could outshine me, but it wouldn't hurt to keep you on your toes. You never know when Roger might try to sweep you off your broomstick."

Jinx huffed, crossing her arms in defiance. "How generous of you, Fred. I'll be sure to ring you up when I'm sobbing into my pillow. But for now, quit spying on me, you absolute git."

Fred's face reddened instantly, a mix of hurt and anger flashing across his features. He retorted quickly, his words tinged with frustration. "Blimey, Jinx, I wasn't spying on you. I just happened to catch sight of you and him, and it didn't exactly look like an innocent exchange."

Their argument hung in the air, tension crackling between them like an electrified atmosphere. The silence that followed was filled with unspoken words and anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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