Chapter 5 - Sirius Black and The Dementors of Askaban

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The entire Hogwarts student body had gathered in the Great Hall, tucked into sleeping bags as they discussed the perplexing events of the evening

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The entire Hogwarts student body had gathered in the Great Hall, tucked into sleeping bags as they discussed the perplexing events of the evening. Jinx and her friends had claimed a cozy corner where they could converse freely.

Lee, ever the one to speculate, mused, "How do you reckon he got in? Do you think he just flew in on a broomstick?"

Fred responded with a smirk, "What do you think the Dementors are for, mate? Decoration? If Black just zoomed his way in, I'd bet my left leg the Dementors would have started snogging him the moment they caught a whiff of him."

George, always ready with a humorous twist, added, "Maybe he brewed a bit of Polyjuice Potion, and turned himself into a smelly old Filch."

Lee burst into laughter, his shoulders shaking. "Imagine turning into Filch, though! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. He definitely tastes like Mrs. Norris's poo."

Fred, relishing in the absurdity of the idea, chimed in, "Thanks for that visual representation. That imagery is definitely going to lull me to sleep. Anyways, I checked the Marauder's Map, and I can't find him anywhere."

As they pondered in silence, Jinx knew it was the right moment to reveal the strange occurrences of the past month.

"Guys... I think I have something to tell you," Jinx began, noticing that all three heads turned toward her with curiosity. "I've been having these weird dreams—dreams of monsters and figures flying through the air. At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but it's happening too frequently to ignore."

George leaned forward, intrigued. "What are you trying to say? That it's all connected?"

Jinx nodded, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Something like that. What if these dreams are trying to tell me something?"

Fred, ever the problem-solver, declared, "We should look into this further. If it's actually connected..."

"...Then maybe you're getting visions," George finished the thought.

Jinx, skeptical about her own newfound abilities, countered, "Visions? But I'm not a seer. We would have known that by now, smarty-pants. I've had Trelawney for two years and got D's for all her little tests."

Lee, adding his perspective, chimed in, "She's right. Trelawney or Dumbledore would have told her by now. I mean... it doesn't just come out of thin air, does it? Don't seers usually come from a long line of them?"

Jinx shrugged, unsure of the answer. "I guess."

Lee leaned in, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Remember that time when Professor Lupin told us about Boggarts in Defense Against the Dark Arts? Maybe our dreams are like Boggarts, taking on forms that scare us."

Fred nodded thoughtfully. "Could be, but what's scaring Jinx in her dreams? Monsters and robed figures... It's like something out of a horror story."

Lee wondered. "Or maybe it's not about the content of the dreams but the timing. They started right before Black showed up."

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