Chapter 3: Potions

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Jinx's eyes fluttered open, and for a fleeting moment, she lingered in the realm of sleep

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Jinx's eyes fluttered open, and for a fleeting moment, she lingered in the realm of sleep. The strands of her dream clung to her mind like delicate gossamer threads, ephemeral and delicate. But as the haze dissipated, the memory surged back, vivid and compelling.

In the canvas of her mind, she beheld scarlet robes billowing against the canvas of the cerulean sky, a mesmerizing dance of vibrant hues. Their ethereal movement seemed almost otherworldly, akin to comets streaking through the celestial expanse. A mix of awe and unease stirred within Jinx as the robes descended with graceful urgency, hurtling toward the earth.

The vision was captivating, scarlet fabric undulating in an unseen breeze, imbued with a life force of its own. Jinx almost felt the wind's caress on her cheeks and heard the faint strains of an enigmatic chant carried by the breeze. It was as though she had glimpsed a fleeting revelation, a clandestine truth unveiled solely to her in this realm of dreams.

Startled by the vision's intensity, Jinx sat up abruptly, her heart racing. She scanned the room for any vestiges of the scarlet robes, but all she saw was the familiar sight of her dormitory, bathed in the warm embrace of morning sunlight.

Just as she was about to dismiss the vision as a figment of her imagination, Angelina's voice pierced the air, tinged with both concern and irritation.

Hey, sleepyhead! You're gonna miss breakfast if you don't wake up!"

Jinx's head snapped toward Angelina, who stood there with her wand and a raised eyebrow. She realized she'd been zoned out for longer than intended, totally unaware of the time passing.

Shrugging off the remnants of the dream, Jinx shook off her drowsiness and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She shot Angelina an apologetic grin.

"My bad, Angelina. Lost track of time," she said, her voice a mix of excitement and curiosity. "I just had this super vivid dream."

Angelina raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "Seriously? I thought we were gonna have to bring in a marching band to wake you up."

"Why bother when I get to wake up to your beautiful face?" Jinx retorted playfully, as she scoured her dormitory for her clothes. She rummaged through the pile, locating her suitcase beneath a mound that she was quite certain belonged to Alicia. With the dream's memory temporarily pushed aside, she vowed to reflect on it later.

"Flattery won't save you," Angelina teased, waving her off. "Save it for Eddie Carmicheal and see if he blushes."

"Eddie Carmicheal, the Ravenclaw?" Jinx raised an eyebrow, sliding into her robes with surprising agility. "Why him?"

"Hey, I'm just saying, he's kinda cute when he turns all red," Angelina shrugged, her braids bouncing.

"No way!" Jinx gasped dramatically. "Eddie stealing my Angelina? Now that's a problem."

Jinxed - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now